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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Peek iPad 2 and iPhone 5 – things you need to know about

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Most Wanted GadgetsAs we approach the time when Apple is expected to launch two of its flagship products for 2011 — the iPhone 5 and the iPad 2 — the rumors around the company, its plans, the products’ features and the launch dates are entering a frenzy matched perhaps only by high profile celebrity rumor mills. Be the first to know about iPad 2 and iPhone 5, the legendary Apple machine to compete most wanted gadget 2011. The rumored iPad 2 release delay could mean that Apple has changed its mind about a number of factors regarding its tablet plans in response

The Apple rumor economy has always been fascinating. More so than any other company, people obsess over little tidbits of information which may be true, may be half true, may be half false, or may be totally made up.

The 5 Stages of Apple Rumors

It is at this point that, to paraphrase the legendary post-modern saying, the rumors get so intense that everything is pointless. Even if you’re closely following Apple, which keeps its secrets behind a tightly locked 10-inch-thick steel door, it’s getting hard to track every single rumor about the upcoming products, and it’s even harder to discern which of them could be true.

Peek iPad 2 and iPhone 5 – things you need to know about

We cannot be certain what features the iPhone 5 and the iPad 2 will have. Hell, we don’t know for sure that these products even exist. The rumors themselves, however, follow an interesting set of patterns that seem to reappear every time an Apple product is about to be launched.

1. The Age of Innocence

At this early stage, actual products are several months away, and the only palpable data anyone really has is the timing of Apple’s yearly events, such as the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference. It is also at this time when the rumors actually make the most sense, as analysts and media outlets take the obvious picks. The new iPhone, you will often read at this time, will have a better camera, a faster processor and more memory.

Well, duh. The features sound good, but they’re also so obvious that anyone could’ve predicted them. While the predictions at this stage are often correct, they only point toward an evolutionary product release, which Apple often does.

2. The Advent of 3D Models

Peek iPad 2 and iPhone 5 – things you need to know about

This is where the 3D Studio Max and Illustrator wizards take the matter into their hands. Why wait for the official pictures of the new devices when you can imagine them yourself, thinner and more beautiful than they can ever be in reality?

The models get better as the first images that relate to the new product start to trickle onto the Internet. A case seemingly designed for the next generation of iPad will set a whole new wave of 3D model creation in motion, and soon we’ll have some models that look like they could be the real thing. But the real thing, as it almost invariably turns out, is often so much more perfect than any 3D model could be. The images you see at this stage of the Apple rumor mill will be enough to sate your brain for a little while, but you will forget them all the second Apple shows us the actual design.

3. The Stage of Wild Predictions

We have recently entered the third stage, perhaps the most tiresome of them all. Rumors abound at this time, and it is no longer enough to go with the obvious picks; if you want to start a good rumor, you have to go for something wild. The new iPad will not have a camera, and Apple is about to release a very, very small version of the iPhone that needs to be installed under your skin — these are the type of rumors you are likely to encounter at this time.

One could also call this stage the Age of Opposites. Everything you thought was true might be wrong, or so you will be told. Is the new iPhone really a phone? Has Apple completely given up on the concept of data storage? Just like in George Orwell’s 1984, you will learn to doublethink — two completely opposite concepts will suddenly start making sense in your head. And this is the perfect setup for…

4. The Dark Age of Chaos

Peek iPad 2 and iPhone 5 – things you need to know aboutYes, this is the time when tech media journalists get physically sick when they hear words starting with “i,” while the readers repeatedly bash them for being Apple fanboys. The rumors have stopped making sense a long time ago, but you still cling onto them. With a mad look in your eyes and a hint of a snicker on your lips, you refresh the Google Reader on your iPad, looking for a new glimmer of hope on that 8-megapixel iPhone camera you’ve been craving.

The worst part is that this is when some data about the upcoming products actually leaks. Now you have to change everything you’ve believed in, but are you strong enough to do that? Isn’t it easier to just keep on living the dream in which the next iPad has a 2 GHz quad-core CPU, more RAM than your desktop computer and a screen with more pixels than the current state of technology can possibly allow?

5. The Silence Before the Storm

The time is near. Apple has actually set a date, and now most readers, analysts and media outlets are collectively: a) sick of predictions and, b) explored every possible rumor avenue. It is now pointless to fabricate any new rumors, and even if you do, the actual product launch is so close that the exhausted Apple fanbase is more content to wait for the real thing than to live in the fantasy world.

This is, by far, the most rewarding part of being a journalist and a tech media reader: finally, you get some well-deserved rest. We’re not quite here yet, but when we do reach this point, do yourself a favor: have a night out, drink a couple of drinks, forget about Apple. The truth will be revealed soon, and you’ve earned it.

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Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011

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Top Best Android Apps Must Have Best Android Apps Welcome to 101 Best Android Apps. Trouble finding the best Android apps?  While it seems like everyone and their mom owns an iPhone, the Android is intent on dethroning it. Google and Apple are locked in a death match, and the winners are the customers. Why? Because in the process, hundreds of great Apps have been produced. Upgrade the share feature (for videos especially) to link with all Android  share options like installed Twitter apps and many more.

If you own an Android powered phone and are wondering what Apps you need to download, look no further. Here is an in-depth list neatly sorted for your App-finding pleasure. Have you decked out your Droid with business apps yet? If not, take heed: Google Android phones still have a ways to go in terms of business, sports, travel and many morre android apps for the best parts.


Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011Need an App to help you with business-related tasks? Check these out.
1.  Tasker
– The ultimate automation app for Android, this app allows one to set conditions (time of day, orientation of phone, use of a particular app) under which apps launch or close. You can also edit volume levels, switch sounds on or off, and more. Includes many other automatic features.

2.  Documents to Go – View Word and Excel files on your Android device.  For $14.99, a key can be purchased that unlocks create/edit functionality.

3.  BumpTake any two phones that have this app, bump them together, and swap contact information without a single button press. It doesn’t get any easier to share information than this.

4.  Maps - The Maps app is so dead useful that it alone can be considered worth the purchase of an Android device.  The new navigation feature removes the need for a GPS Unit, or subscription to your carrier’s navigation app.

5.  Currency - Up-to-date exchange rate info for just about every type of currency used in international markets today. A must for anyone going international.

6.  You Keep Your Money – A collection of apps that keep track of expenses. It shows them as graphs for easy analysis.

7.  Fake-a-Call- Great for getting out of a meeting gone too long.  Set up a call to go off at a given time, and your phone fakes the call for you to conveniently step out and answer.

8.  Google Voice
– The best VoIP app on Android is — surprise — from Google.  This feature-packed app boasts number consolidation, text notification, voicemail transcriptions and several other bullet points.

9.  Dropbox – Quickly becoming one of the new must-haves for the tech-savvy, this app allows you to store and share files through your Dropbox account from your phone.

10.  It’s About Time – Track your finances from your device, if you’re a Quickbooks user.  Easy integration between Quickbooks Online is one of the big draws of this app.


Some Apps are just plain fun. Here are the top 10 entertaining Apps.

Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011

1.  Ringdroid – A neat little app that lets you slice mp3s on your SD card into custom ringtones.  Eliminates the need for all those annoying ringtone apps clogging up the market.

2. MP3 Music Download – Don’t have the song you’re looking for?  Must resort to a tone search engine?  This is the one — it eliminates as much hassle and fluff from the experience as possible.

3.  Movies – This is a Flixster-powered movie info app.  Simple to navigate, it features what’s playing, local showtimes, reviews, and even the ability to purchase tickets through the app.

4.  Solo – The first guitar app on Android to actually get it right and work well.  There’s a free, limited version as well, which drops multi-touch support as well as a chunk of the chord library.  $3.95.

5.  IMDb – Put all those questions and disagreements about who played who in what TV show/movie to rest with this app.  It creates an attractive and easy-to-use wrapper for, putting the site at the touch of a button.

6.  DirectTV- While only useful if you have DirectTV, this app is a good proof of concept: it allows the user to control their DVR from anywhere.  Forget to set up some shows to record tonight?  Sudden change of plans have you out of the house?  This can help.

7.  Caller ID Faker – Obviously meant for prank calls, this app features the ability to spoof a different number to your target’s caller ID.  The unfortunate bit about this app is its two minute limit on free calls, but it’s an excellent start to the idea.

8.  Steamy Window – Talk about a fun little time waster.  Blow into the mic of your phone to steam up the screen, and wipe it off by touch.

9.  Backgrounds – The only background gallery app worth mentioning.  If you don’t have any pictures that you’d particularly care to set as a BG, this 10,000+ background app is for you.

10.  Useless Facts – Another fun time waster.  Interesting, quirky, and offbeat true facts, served up at random.


Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011 Move over Nintendo. These Apps turn your Android into the best personal gaming system around.
1.  Angry Birds – Physics based action and strategy, involving angry little birds and the pigs they came to get revenge on.  Destroy the pigs’ towers using the birds’ unique abilities, logic, and force.

2.  Robo Defense – The epitome of a tower defense game on Android.  Large maps, achievements, great graphics, and responsive gameplay have made it one of the most popular games on the platform.

3.  Fruit Ninja – Who knew that slicing up fruit could be so fun?  This hit iPhone game, now available for Android, will have you asking that question repeatedly.

4.  Alchemy – Combine the four basic elements (earth, air, water, fire) and their products to create more than 200 different new elements.  With a sometimes logical, sometimes bent sensibility, this game will have you captivated.

5. Bubble Blast 2 – A game that involves clicking on bubbles to remove them, and setting up chain reactions.  Think Bejeweled, minus all the trademarks and gems.

6.  Wordfeud Free – Android’s answer to Words with Friends.  A fun little multiplayer crossword app that allows you to play with friends or strangers.

7.  Live Hold ‘em – The best live poker app in the Market.  Allows you to play with users on Facebook or other Android devices. Just don’t bet!

8.  Solitaire – What would a computing platform be without a solitaire suite?  Simple and lightweight, this app has four common solitaire games to get you through whatever boring moment you’re facing.

9. Toss It- Tossing paper into trash cans.  Sounds exciting, eh?  You’d be surprised how addictive it gets, if you haven’t tried out a game like this already.

10.  Air Control – Guide aircraft safely down to the landing strip by drawing flight patterns for them, while avoiding crashes between planes.

Social Networking

Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011Facebook, Twitter, MySpace… regardless of your chosen platform, the name of the game is staying connected. Here are the best Apps to do just that.
1. Tweetcaster – The best Twitter app currently on the Market, with all the features one would expect. Share your thoughts in about 140 characters.

2.  Facebook – The world’s largest social networking site’s official app.  Comes pre-installed on most Android devices.

3.  Foursquare- We’re not talking about the traditional ball game. This location-based game that allows you to earn points for letting people know where you’re at in the world.

4.  TweetDeck – A mobile browser that combines functionality for Twitter, Facebook, and Foursquare.  The standalone apps do what they do better than this one does, but if you’d prefer to have them all in one place, this is your app.

5.  HeyTell- Turn any Android phone into a Push-to-Talk phone with this app.  Send a short PTT message, encrypted, with the option of location, to other HeyTell users over 3G/4G/WiFi.

6.  Bump- Take any two phones that have this app, bump them together, and swap contact information without a single button press. Seriously one of the coolest concepts we’ve found.

7.  Myspace Mobile – the first big breakthrough of social networking may be on its way out, but if you’re still a regular user, this is the official app for mobile use of the site.

8.  Picasa Tool Pro – A functional, well-built app for users of photo sharing service Picasa. And Picasa is one of the best ways to share and manage photos.

9.  SyncMyPix- Are you having problems with Facebook syncing contacts and profile pictures incorrectly, or not at all?  Try this app out to simplify the process.

10. Google Buzz Widget – Allows you to post straight to Google Buzz from the homescreen.  This might be the kind of push Google needs to turn its fledgling service into a monster success.


Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011 Hitting the road? The following Apps will make your trip a bit easier.
1.  Maps – An absolute no-brainer, the up-to-date maps and Navigation beta feature completely obselete the concept of a GPS unit.  No Android user should be without it.

2.  Street View on Google Maps – A nifty add-on to Maps that lets you get Street View from anywhere on the map. Essential when you;re out in the “real world.”

3.  GasBuddy – Comprehensive, up-to-date gas prices are what this app is all about, allowing you to find the cheapest fuel in your area.  Very useful for the budget-conscious traveler.

4.  Yelp – A massive database of reviews, info, and opinions on all the places to eat, sleep, and play.  The ability to write one’s own reviews is a plus.

5.  Kayak Flight and Hotel Search – Probably the best hotel/flight booker on a mobile platform, right now.  Easy to use, reliable, and the rates aren’t bad.

6. Car Locator – Tag your car’s location when parking in a large lot, and find it again later with minimal hassle and GPS accuracy.  Not too great in parking garages, unfortunately, but open-air parking is what this app was made for.

7.  Currency – Not quite as important to the traveler as the businessman, but still dead useful.  Exchange rates for nearly every currency in the world.

8.  Urbanspoon- When you can’t decide where to eat, this app is here to help.  It suggests places to try out, and features favorites and wishlists in order to better tailor your experience with the app.

9.  Trapster – This app will alert you when you approach known police speed traps, red light cameras, and speed cameras.  Throw in 5 million regular users constantly updating the database, and you’ve got a dead useful app.

10.  Happy Hours – An app designed with the drink and food specials in mind.  This app alerts the user to the best local deals at bars and restaurants.


Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011 Do you live and breathe football, baseball, or basketball? Maybe another sport like MMA? Then you need to get your hands on some of these Apps.
1. ESPN Scorecenter – Keep updated on all the latest scores with ESPN’s incredibly comprehensive coverage of every sporting event known to man.

2.  Live Scores – Much simpler and more stripped-down than ESPN’s offering, Live Scores is a just-the-facts app for those who want numbers and no flashy designs.

3.  MMA News – MMA is hot. Period. This is the most popular and highest quality MMA news aggregator currently available, for those who love their fights.

4. At Bat – The official app of the MLB.  Scores, news, standings, rankings, and anything else you could ask for.  It’s a bit late to pick this one up now, but rest assured that 2011 will bring plenty of joy to the baseball fan with this installed on their device.

5.  NBA Game Time – With the 2010-2011 season gearing up, now is the perfect time to pick up the NBA’s official scores and news app.

6.  Skydroid Golf GPS – This app turns your phone into a GPS based rangefinder, perfect for club selection on that next tricky shot. Golf just turned more science.

7.  Yahoo! Fantasy Football – Fantasy football has exploded. Here’s the web’s #1 fantasy football community by numbers comes to Android in the form of this functional, light app.

8.  ESPN Fantasy Football – Manage and get all the news for your fantasy team and league with this convenient app, with the professional backing of ESPN.
9.  NFL Sunday Ticket – Another DirectTV based app with a good concept.  With a subscription to DTV’s NFL Sunday Ticket package, this app allows live streaming of any and every game being played at the moment.

10.  Sports Radio Droid- An internet radio app with a pure focus on sports streams and shows.  Great for the superfan.

Healthcare & Fitness

Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011 Technology isn’t just for the lazy couch potato. Use these Apps to stay healthy.
1.  Instant Heart Rate – This app measures your heart rate with only a finger over the camera.  Pretty nifty, and accurate enough for such a gimmicky application.

2.  CardioTrainer – An app to track walking, running, biking, and other activities.  Keeps track of distance, time, calories burned, and maps the route taken with GPS.

3.  Lightning Bug – A sleep machine app with a decent collection of different sounds.  Perfect for those who need a little white noise to sleep to—including babies.

4.  Calorie Counter by FatSecret – Keeping track of your calorie intake has never been so easy.  Searchable databases and a barcode scanner make it easy to quickly input your meals.

5.  Sleep Bot Tracker Log – Exactly what it says on the tin – a sleep tracker.  Allows you to not only track how much sleep you’re getting a night, but your total sleep debt overall.

6.  Baby ESP – Being a new parent is stressful. This app allows you to track your baby’s needs. It even predicts when you can best to address those needs.

7.  First Aid- Plenty of information on first aid for dozens of different situations.  Easy to use, and quick — very important in certain emergency situations. Remember, no one expects accidents to happen. Be prepared.

8.  Favorite Recipes – Don’t know what to cook? Search recipes by name, ingredients, keywords, and categories. An excellent pocket cookbook.

9.  PillReminder – An app version of what women have been doing with their cellphone alarms already for years, this app is basically a birth control reminder. And from the looks of the comments, very effective.

10.  Mindfulness Bell – Quite the interesting concept – this app rings a bell periodically during the day, at which point the user is to think about what they are doing and their current mindset.  Reportedly, this is very good for mental health and de-stressing.


Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011 The days of newspapers and the evening news are long gone. With these apps, stay up to date on everything that’s going on in the world around you.

1.  The Weather Channel – This App has a great interface with simple and low-resource widgets. Also get up-to-the-minute weather information make this app a must-have.

2.  Engadget – This is the dedicated reader for Engadget. It’s the definitive source for news and reviews on gadgets and technology.

3. USA Today – The latest news, scores, and weather from USA Today.  A great way to keep aware of what’s happening in the world at large.

4.  CNET News – More tech news, but from the decidedly differently-flavored teams at CNET.  Very slick, pretty interface on this one.

5.  BBC News – The BBC’s top headlines and stories in a convenient package. It’s easy to use and read.

6. – Keep on top of the Huffington Post’s provocative and informative reporting with this app. Not your average news here, Ladies and Gentlemen.

7. reddit is fun – An easy to use shell for, taking all the hassle out of using mobile web to browse the site. Just open it up, read, and vote.

8.  NY Times – The New York Times in a simple, compact app. No need to explain this, right?

9.  Voter Map – More of a discussion of the news than news itself, but with midterms just finishing, this app connects politically active minds to one another quite beautifully.

10.  World Newspapers – Top News - An aggregator collecting news stories from all the major US news outlets, including The Wall Street Journal and USA Today, as well as many non-US papers/magazines, and web content.  Great for an all-in-one solution to your news, though the standalone apps for each source look prettier.


Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011 Looking for information? Here are the top 10 Apps for finding and viewing it.
1.  Google Sky Map – One of the coolest things to come out of Google labs, this app overlays a map of the night sky on wherever the camera is facing, showing you what stars you’re looking at (or would be, in case of daytime).

2.  Aldiko Book Reader- Currently the most successful e-reader on Android, with tens of thousands of texts to choose from.  Must-have for literary types. Remember readers are leaders.

3. Kindle for Android – Bringing the Amazon Kindle’s entire library to the Android userbase. That’s like 700,000 texts.

4. – An app wrapper for, this turns it from a website into a pocket dictionary.  Useful and quick.

5.  Wikidroid- Wikipedia in a more attractive format for mobile devices, with all the functionality of the actual site ported into the menus. The best destination for any random knowledge you could ever want.

6.  United States Constitution – The full text of the Constitution, for review or edification. You’d be surprised how many people have no clue what it says.

7.  Wolfram Alpha – The computational knowledge engine that was a minor internet firestorm not too long ago is now available in a convenient app.

8.  Audible for Android – Audible, the Internet’s leading provider of digital audiobooks, presents its library for listening pleasure in this app.

9.  Urban Dictionary - Slang has become such a huge part of our language that it’s nearly impossible to keep up with all of it. Thankfully, Urban Dictionary does the work for us. And it’s funny.

10.  How to Tie a Tie – Now let’s be honest, nobody is going to need this app for more than one special occasion, or maybe their first week at a job that requires a tie.  But it performs its function.


Top Best Android Apps Must Have 2011 Who needs the radio when you have an Android? Check out your options for listening to music below.
1.  Pandora Radio – The absolute best music app of all time.  Customizable radio stations, tailored to your tastes by you.

2. – Between Pandora-style stations, the social networking aspect of, and the ability to scrobble plays to your profile, this app is a fun total package for those wanting to be more sociable with their music.

3.  TuneIn Radio- Listen to radio streams that have jumped on board with TuneIn, from local to syndicated to internet broadcasts. Just download and “tune in!”

4.  Listen – Google’s standard podcatcher, and the best one currently available.  Manage your podcast subscriptions, listen to new episodes, and search through the catalog of thousands of audio feeds.

5.  Ringdroid – A neat little app that lets you slice mp3s on your SD card into custom ringtones.  Eliminates the need for all those annoying ringtone apps clogging up the market.

6.  Shazam – An app that puts an end to wondering what song you’re hearing on the radio.  The app listens to the song, analyzes it, and reports back with the title and artist, as well as links to info and places to purchase.

7.  Winamp- Still in beta, Winamp’s mobile incarnation far outclasses any of the stock Music players that come packaged with Android builds.  Highly recommended as a main music player.

8. TuneWiki Social Media Player – another music player that beats the stock application, with a twist: this one searches and displays the lyrics of a given song karaoke style as the song plays.

9.  Album Art Grabber Free – A tool that grabs album art for the music loaded on your SD card.  Not essential, but sure does make things prettier when combined with Winamp.

10.  Uloops Music Composer – A loop-based music composition program with a vibrant and talented community.  There’s a bit of a learning curve to using it, but this is probably the best way to make music on a mobile platform seen yet.

Which Apps have you downloaded? Are there any you think should be added to this list?

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Top Best Android Apps Must Have

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Top Best Android Apps Must Have Check out these top best Android must have apps to improve your Android mobile. If you own an Android powered phone and are wondering what Apps you need to download, look no further. Here is an in-depth list neatly sorted for your App-finding pleasure. If you just got a new Android phone and are looking for the best apps to add, then you are in the right place.Why? Because in the process, thousands of great Apps have been produced, so we choose Top Best Android Apps Must Have for you.

Here are ten of the apps, selected from the over 8000 Android apps from Android Market.

Best App for Running, My Tracks

Top Best Android Apps Must Have

Hardcore runners no longer need to shell out hundreds of dollars for an expensive GPS watch. If you have a GPS-enabled Android phone, you can get most of the same features for free with Google's My Tracks. My Tracks records and displays your distance, duration, elevation, pace, and other information in real time while you run (or ride, or hike). Even better, it integrates with Google Docs and Google Maps to record all of your running data so you can show off to your friends.

Best Twitter App, Seesmic

Top Best Android Apps Must Have

If you use the desktop or web version of Seesmic, you'll love this app. It's clean and very intuitive to use, and packs a whole lot of features into a tiny little app. You can use your username and API key, making it easy to track your tweeted short URLs and resulting clicks. You can also set all sorts of notifications to alert you of various updates and messages.

Best App to Consolidate Your Phones, Google Voice

Top Best Android Apps Must Have

Google Voice gives you a single phone number that rings all your phones, saves your voicemail online, and transcribes your voicemail to text. Other features include listening in on messages while they are being left, recording calls, making low-cost international calls, recording custom greetings for your favorite callers, and blocking annoying callers by marking them as spam.

Best App for Sending Email, K9 Email

Top Best Android Apps Must Have

K-9 Mail is an excellent free and open source email client that can handle IMAP, POP, WebDav, and some not-so-finicky exchange servers. This app is an improved and more full-featured version of the Mail app that comes with your Android phone. You have control over how often you poll for messages and the number of messages to display. Even if your phone is not your primary email client, you may want to use a client like this to check mail when you are between places.

Best App for Identifying Music, Shazam

Top Best Android Apps Must Have

Do you believe in magic? Maybe you will after trying out Shazam, a jaw-droppingly awesome music identifier. If you can't place the song playing in the room at any moment, just open Shazam and tell it to listen for a few seconds. It has the uncanny ability to recognize the track and tell you pretty much anything you need to know about it. This is great for settling bar bets, and perfect for filling out all the info for your friend's mix CD that imported with helpful song names like "Track 01."

Best App for Note Taking, Evernote

Top Best Android Apps Must Have

The notes that you take with the Evernote app can be accessed from both your Android device and your computer. You can quickly add a text note, audio note, photo snapshot, or file upload to your library from any of your devices. One particularly cool feature is Notes Nearby, which lets you find notes that were written near your current GPS location. I used this at a recent wine tasting event, and when I went back to the liquor store a few weeks later, I found my notes and exactly what I was looking for.

Best App for Live Video Broadcasting, Qik

Top Best Android Apps Must Have

Qik lets you stream live video directly from your Android phone to the Internet, where the world can watch in real time. Give your viewers your personal URL and tell them when you plan to start recording. When your show ends, keep your video archived for later viewing, or share it with your friends through social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

Best Nintendo Emulator, Nesoid

Top Best Android Apps Must Have

Feeling nostalgic for those old 8-bit games, or just in the mood to go retro? Nesoid isn't a game, but rather a platform on your Android phone for playing the old NES games you used to love. And there are plenty of public domain and freeware NES console games out there for you to find. Search for a ROM (a read-only memory file from the original cartridge) online by opening a browser window from the app. Then, download it to your phone and load it up in Nesoid to get playing!

Best Electronic Book Reader, Aldiko

Top Best Android Apps Must Have

Who needs another expensive device dedicated to just reading books when you already have your Android phone with you? Aldiko gets mobile book reading right, with an eye-pleasing, customizable format (by font, color, margins, etc.). You can curl up with your favorite books or take them on the go. Aldiko will read any ePub file, which you can import yourself or download through Aldiko's online catalog.

Best Travel-Booking App, Kayak

Top Best Android Apps Must Have is one of the largest travel search sites, and this app brings its flight, hotel, car rental, and other trip searches to your Android phone in a clean, easy-to-navigate interface. Like the website it integrates with, the Kayak app sifts through the data from hundreds of different travel sites, allowing you to compare options, prices, and more before sending you off to book your trip in whatever manner you want, whether it's at the airline site, the hotel, a car rental company, or a travel agent.

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Top Best Money Saving Tips to Buy Gadgets

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Money Saving Tips to Buy GadgetsSave money and saving money more to buy gadgets.  Read on the article for some effective tips for right approach toward the plan to buy gadgets. The main issue about purchasing gadgets is purchasing comfort, economy, and health; therefore, it is required to have some green tips for enjoying green effect in life with about these gadgets. Gadgets have become the part and parcel of our life. Hardly any of us can imagine our life with different gadgets. Great Money Saving Tips We all can use extra money.

Money Saving Tips to Buy Gadgets. Read on the article for some effective tips for right approach toward the plan to buy gadgets. Campus on a Budget: Money Saving Tips For College Students. While at $109000, this isn't exactly a money saving gadget. It's really helpful and, like your tips, shows us all great ways that we can use discredit yourselves to buy labeling what should really be side notes.

Money Saving Tips to Buy Gadgets

While purchasing gadget we should consider the features of the said gadget first and accordingly need to think about the utility of the features of the gadget for the purchaser. For example, before purchasing a mobile phone, one has to see if all the features of the phone are really required by the users or not. Those who are simple user should not go for hi-end phones for the sake of fashion or status only.

Energy saving factors is of great importance while the purchase of a gadget is concerned. It is always wise to buy gadgets with 5-or 7-star ratings because these ratings ensure the energy efficiency of the said gadget. More the gadget is energy efficient; it is proven as more economic.

Money Saving Tips to Buy Gadgets

While we purchase a new gadget we often consider the features and price but we forget to consider the after sales service and warranty section of the gadget. It is true that quality gadgets hardy gets damaged during first 2-3 years and that covers the warranty coverage of the same provided by the manufacturer. However, after- sales service efficiency should be one of the prime factors in selection of a gadget and before purchasing it should be verified if the service center for that gadget is located at near by location. It will not only save money but will also save time.

Another deciding factor to buy gadgets is the availability and price of the spare parts of the same. If spare parts of a gadget are not available or it is too costly, it is better not go for that item. Otherwise, in case of damage the whole investment will go in vein. Those who are concerned about output of the gadget and at the same time is running on tight budget may consider the option of purchasing refurbished or open box items. Refurbished items are retailer repaired products and open box products are sold-back products. Both of these items are available against lesser price than the new one but they render service as new products. However, before considering purchase of repaired or refurbished items, it is always wise to verify the reputation and background of the retailer so that in requirement the customer may ask for his assistance for servicing.

It is always good to go for branded items while purchasing a gadget. This may incur little more investment, but it will prove ultimately big saver of money. Online shopping to buy gadgets is a great idea because some of the online stores offer huge discount around the year. If one can avail these discounts, it will help in saving considerable amount of money.

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Top Best Essential Palm Pre Apps Must Have

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Top Best Essential Palm Pre Apps Must HaveMust-have apps to supercharge your Palm Phone The number of apps in Palm's official webOS app store has been growing steadily since its launch on June. Now Palm Pre, Palm Pre Plus, Palm Pixi and Palm Pixi Plus users can choose from over 1,000 apps. WebOS's App Catalog may be way behind iPhone and Android in total number of apps, but that doesn't mean there aren't some great ones. We've rounded up the 20 best. In this article Palm Infocenter highlights some essential must have Treo freeware applications apps and also the pro with price

Return to 10 must-have free Palm webOS apps. Here's a list of the top best Palm Pre webOS apps so far. Check out 10 must-have free BlackBerry apps, 10 must-have free Android apps, and Five Reasons the Palm Pre Won't Prevail :

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
WHERE: WHERE integrates several widgets designed to answer any question that starts with its name. Where's the nearest coffee shop? Where's the nearest gas station? But it's more flexible than that, able to answer some questions that start with "what," as in "what's the traffic on I-95 like?" Hell, it can even do some "whens," like "when is Fantastic Mr. Fox playing?" It's got Yelp, YellowPages, Starbucks and more. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Evernote: Evernote is arguably the best note-taking app on every platform on which it appears (iPhone, Android) and on Pre it's nearly as good. For some reason the Pre version lacks voice notes, but it's still what I use for grocery lists. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Pandora: It's Pandora. It's great. Especially essential on the Pre, which has a mere 8GB of non-expandable memory. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Fandango: Another one that you probably already know, Fandango's the best movie-finding app on WebOS. It saves nearby or favorite theaters, uses GPS to find those closest, lets you watch trailers—it's everything you'd want in a movie app. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Twee: I had a hard time deciding between Twee and Tweed for the title of Palm Pre Twitter Champ, but decided on Twee for two reasons. First, I like its story—it was a jailbreak app first, and muscled its way into the App Catalog on sheer moxie and pluck. Second, it offers a free version, which is the one I actually use. Tweed has a more conventional (read: prettier) interface, but I'm not sure that's worth three bucks when TweeFree is totally competent. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
NYTimes: An essential for any smartphone platform, the Pre's NYTimes app falls in between the iPhone's and Android's in quality. It's less buggy and better-looking than Android's, but its smaller screen and slightly slower performance gives iPhone the edge. Regardless, it's a great app for the greatest news outlet in the country, and lets you feel informed even though you're just skimming headlines while sitting on the toilet. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
TasteSpotting Today: TasteSpotting is my favorite food website, but the things that make it great (huge and constantly updated selection, links to external websites, great photography) also make it a headache to read on a mobile device. But TasteSpotting Today puts the massive amounts of info in an easy-to-read format. Great for anyone who likes food. $1

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Tea Timer: Honestly, I don't really like tea. I can never get it to taste like much besides tea-flavored hot water, and, you know, I always feel like could be drinking coffee instead. But I have to say, Tea Timer, which provides exact steeping times for a huge variety of tea types (as well as a countdown timer), did result in the best cup of loose-leaf Rooibos I've ever had. Still tasted like tea-flavored water, but it was the best tea-flavored water I've ever made. Way to go, Tea Timer. $1

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Topple Ball: The Pre's definitely lacking in games compared to the iPhone, but Topple Ball is the perfect waiting-for-a-bus game. It's kind of like that tilting maze game Labyrinth, but with obstacles like bumpers, launchers and teleporters to provide extra challenge. Surprisingly tough, but my go-to timewaster. $2, free version available

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Stitcher: As with Pandora, it's important to have a source of streaming media to make up for the Pre's anemic storage, and Stitcher is my favorite podcast app on the platform. It's sleek, fairly full-featured, streams quickly, and has an easy-to-use interface. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Scoop: Scoop is my pick for best RSS reader on the Pre, due to its solid integration with Google Reader. Feeds is the other frontrunner, but it's five times more expensive and you definitely aren't getting more for your money. $1

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Open Table: Open Table is a great (albeit sometimes limited) way to reserve tables at restaurants without having to, like, talk to a human being. It's really effective in major urban areas like NYC and SF, although in my suburban Pennsylvania hometown I was better off using Yelp and calling the restaurants. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Accuweather: Tells you the weather. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Dealert: Tracks deals from a variety of online deal purveyors, like SlickDeals, DealNews and FatWallet. That's provided you need some other source of deals beyond our own Gadget Deals of the Day, shocking though that may be. $2

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Yelp: The premiere source for sometimes-corrupt listings of restaurants and local businesses. Need pan-Asian-Ethiopian fusion food right now, in the middle of Little Italy? Yelp's got your back. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
JogStats: If you're one of those weirdos who likes jogging even when there's a perfectly nice couch you could be sitting on, JogStats is the best running assistant on WebOS. It tracks your distance, speed, calories, altitude, all that stuff that makes me exhausted just typing it. $5

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Classic: For the guy who just can't let go to the past, this oddly third-party app recreates the classic Palm OS on your Pre or Pixi, complete with virtual buttons, and will run any Palm OS app. Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
GDial: The Palm Pre's Google Voice app is damn good—in John Herrman's words, "The Pre handles Google Voice nearly as well as Android, and obviously way better than the iPhone." Price : Free

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Crosswords: It ain't from Will Shortz, but the Pre's Crosswords app is surprisingly excellent. Clever puzzles, huge selection, with a range of challenge from Monday to Saturday (there's a little crossword humor for you). Seems expensive, but if you're into crossword puzzles, this could mean dozens of hours of entertainment. Or, if you're like me, hundreds of hours. $10

Must Have Essential Palm Pre Apps
Media Remote: A version of Apple's very first iPhone app, Remote, Media Remote takes the idea to the next level by letting you control several different programs on a Windows PC—WMP, iTunes, MediaMonkey, VLC and XBMC. Pre only (since the Pixi has no Wi-Fi) and yeah, Windows only is lame, but I use this app all the time to control my XBMC-running media center and it works great. Price : Free

Treo 700p with SERO Plan · 40 Free Wallpapers for the Palm Pre Best part about all these apps? They are all FREE, (unless where noted). AppBrain, essential, As previously mentioned, check this every day to see what great apps are out there.  A must have for anyone with an Android phone

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