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Monday, March 21, 2011

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

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BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test The RIM BlackBerry Bold 9700 brings T-Mobile its first 3G BlackBerry and improves on its predecessor with a sleeker design and more power. Hands-on full review of the BlackBerry Bold 9700 Smartphone from Research in Motion. Videos, Images, Hardware comparison and more. In our review of the new Blackberry Bold 9700 we found out that the smaller size and a handful of refinements make the new Bold one of. Blackberry Bold 9700 (Bold 2) Expert Review: Can the new Bold better the excellent original? - Buying advice from the UK's leading.

Blackberry 9700 Review - Because the Blackberry Bold 9700 has been called the “ best Blackberry ever” by some. Recently I upgraded from the BlackBerry Bold 9000 to the BlackBerry Bold 9700.  I decided to take this opportunity to review it as well. It is certainly a worthy upgrade to the Bold series, improving on things such as form factor, memory, and performance.  It is definitely much faster than the original Bold, and has twice the memory as well.  However, some of RIM’s actions towards the design of the phone weren’t as good, such as the removal of the 1GB internal storage and the stereo speakers around the phone.

The original BlackBerry Bold 9000 was an excellent phone.  It seemed to have it all.  Albeit there were a few things left to be desired, however, they weren’t big quirks.

Now, one year later, we have the BlackBerry Bold 9700, the successor.  I’ve played with it for about two weeks now, and overall, I find it an excellent phone, though not as excellent as it’s older brother.  While it improved in many areas, RIM also decided to take out some things that made the original Bold stand out from the crowd.

A look at the phone

In their review of the original Bold 9000 last year, CNET described the phone as being very masculine.  It was a large phone, which made it very masculine indeed.  It was large and hefty, but it was still a great experience to use.  The width of the device made the keyboard VERY easy to use, and it also allowed for a nice widescreen display.  It was Bold in every sense of the word.

Now, with the 9700, RIM decided to cut down on the boldness and shrink the phone down to the size of the Tour and the Curve 8900.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

In shrinking it down, we also lost some space on the keyboard and screen, though it is not all bad, as the keyboard is still just as easy to use, and the screen packs a larger resolution of 480×360 (as opposed to 480×320).  Along with having the same size, the phone also has some of the design features of the Tour, such as the metal bezel.  It is a welcome design as it makes the phone look a bit more sleek than it’s predecessor, as well as more appealing to those who prefer a smaller phone and less manly phone.

Another very noticeable change was the removal of the trackball in favor of the optical trackpad, as seen on the Curve 8530.  It is definitely an innovation over the trackball, as it does not occasionally jam, like the trackball did.  However, it does take some getting used to.  Movement on the trackpad isn’t as smooth as it was with the trackball, and it depended on how easily your finger slid across it.  Nevertheless, it was a definite plus over the trackball.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

Another change of the phone was changing the side buttons from plastic to a more soft touch rubber material.  No objection there, as it makes for a more secure feel in the hand.  On the back of the phone, we still have the familiar leather style that we saw on the 9000, however this one doesn’t cover as much space as the old one did.  Although it doesn’t cover the entire battery case, it still makes for a good look, especially with the chrome logo and the “Bold” up above it.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

After removing the battery cover, I noticed that the microSD card slot had been moved right above the battery, instead of being on the side.  As usual, the SIM slot is beneath the Battery.

Another change was the removal of the multiple speakers on the phone.  The original Bold had 3 speakers: one on top and two on the sides.  This made for loud and clear music playback.  With the release of the Bold 9700, these speakers have been removed in favor of one speaker on the back.  Kind of a bad design choice, since sound will be muffled when the phone is on it’s back, and the loss of the good sound quality.

The last change I noticed was the improvement in build quality.  I already managed to drop the phone in the two weeks I’ve had it, and I noticed that not as much damage was done to the bezel as it was on the 9000.  The 9000’s bezel actually cracked, whereas the 9700 only looked like some paint got scraped off.  Very nice RIM.  The phone just feels more secure and well built than the Bold 9000.

General Usage

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

The Bold 9700 runs RIM OS 5, which means it sports the updated user interface and has threaded text messaging.  Setting up my email was a cinch, since I already had a BlackBerry Internet Service account, all I had to do was enter my credentials and soon my email accounts showed up on the Messaging app.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

RIM has improved the performance of the phone quite a bit.  It features a more powerful processor and a hefty 256MB of application memory, twice as much as the original Bold.  Because of this, I noticed MUCH less lagging in navigation and less browser hang-ups.  Plus, more memory means room for more apps, which is always a plus.  Speaking of memory, the original Bold came with 1GB of on board storage space, so you could store some media without the need for a microSD card.  Well, RIM decided to remove that in this model, which is a shame.

One new feature of the OS is the ability to synchronize your contacts between the device and Gmail.  As soon as I plugged in my email credentials, it took a few minutes to activate the service (it treats it as if you’re activating a BlackBerry Enterprise System), and within seconds, my contacts were on the device.  Though a most convenient addition, it did have it’s flaws, the most prominent one being that some of the contact info (nicknames, pictures) did not get sent to the device.  As to why, I do not know, but I did find it inconvenient to have to add pictures to my contacts all over again.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

Navigating the device was easy.  It’s an updated OS, but it’s still the basic point and click, mostly text interface that we know and love.  Go into an app, look around at the choices, press the logo key to pull up the menu, and all that good stuff.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

The updated OS did, however, make it a hell of a lot easier to identify drop-down combo boxes and text fields in apps and options panels.  In OS 4.6 and older, it was hard to tell what was a text field or combo box because they all looked like regular text.  Now, combo boxes look more like combo boxes, and text fields more like text fields.  This made the OS a great deal easier to navigate.

Battery life on the phone was touted as being improved, with up to 6 hours talk time over 4.5 on the original Bold.  When using the original Bold, I was able to last about 2 days on a single charge with moderate to heavy usage (texting, browsing, listening to music).  With that same usage on the Bold 9700, I got around 2 1/2 days of use on a single charge.  It’s a small improvement.


As a Phone

The phone part of the Bold 9700 was simple to use.  To dial out, all I had to do was be in any part of the Home screen and start dialing.  Were I in an app, I could just press the green call button and there’s the phone app.  When I was wearing my Bluetooth earpiece, I could activate the voice control feature.  Voice control was very accurate, and it made very few mistakes.

During a call, sound quality was very clear coming through, and folks on the other side said I sounded clear all the time.  When using the speakerphone, though it was loud, the sound began to get a little bit choppy, especially on high volume.  It came through loud, but I found myself asking people to repeat themselves when using the speakerphone.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

The call screen is rather simple, displaying the status bar at the bottom, the caller info on the left, my number on the right, and time up top.  When you press the menu button, the menu will come up offering the basic options such as put them on hold, mute the call, activate speakerphone or your Bluetooth earpiece, and add a call participant.  Other options include bringing up the calendar, messages, and notes app so you can take info down while in a call.  There is also an option to Enhance Call Audio, which is basically an equalizer for the phone.  It only had bass boost and treble boost, and in most cases it did make things better, but I didn’t use it that often.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

Texting on the BlackBerry was also very simple.  Following the BlackBerry tradition, the phone gave you the option to include text messages in the messaging app or as a separate app.  Like many phones now, the Bold 9700 includes threaded text messaging.  For those who don’t know, threaded texting groups all your text messages into an IM style conversation, making for easier navigation and reading.  It’s pretty straight forward, just pick a conversation and there are all your messages, and a reply section.  Up top it shows the character and message count, person you’re texting, and their picture (if present).  A welcome feature is the emoticon button, which brings up a list of commonly used emoticons.  They show up as pictures on the Berry, but if the other person doesn’t have a phone with this feature, they will just show up as their text equivalent, which is very nice.

As a PDA

When you talk about a BlackBerry, anyone is going to think of email.  After all, that is BlackBerry’s claim to fame.  The Bold 9700 uses the BlackBerry Internet Service to bring down your email as soon as it arrives.  This has become known as “push” email.  Email on the BlackBerry is indeed very nice, as it makes it easy to compose messages and reply on the dot to messages you have received.  However, and many agree with me on this one, BlackBerry email is not perfect.  As a matter of fact, it’s far from it due to the fact that there is a lack of full IMAP support.  It has the ability to sync read and delete status, but that’s it.  You can’t access any of your folders on the server, nor can you read emails received before you got the device.  All it does is bring down email from the inbox.  It’s quite a shame, and I wonder why RIM has not supported this yet.  This isn’t just the Bold 9700.  It’s every BlackBerry.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

Another complaint I had about email was the rendering of some heavy HTML email messages.  When I receive a message with a lot of formatting (pictures, borders, etc), they render on the device in a jumbled fashion, making them very hard to navigate, let alone read.  This is due to the fact that it is trying to fit the entire message into one column.  If I could make a suggestion to RIM, it would be to follow in the footsteps of the iPhone and have the message render like a webpage, with the ability to zoom in and out.  Then, instead of navigating by jumping to the next available link, use a mouse pointer to get around the email, like in the browser.  That would definitely improve the email experience.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

The Bold 9700 comes with all of the basic PIM apps, including the calendar, contacts, me ssaging, and notes.  All of these can be synced with a computer (more on that later), and provide their usual features, while adding the BlackBerry touch.

What I mean by “BlackBerry touch” is the integration of the apps with other apps of the phone, such as Facebook.  If you  use Facebook on your BlackBerry, you can set it to integrate itself into the messaging, calendar, and contacts app.  If someone comments or posts on your Wall, it will show up in the messaging app.  If you set up or join an event on your Facebook calendar, it will show up in your BlackBerry calendar with a reminder.  And (my favorite) if you have contacts in your address book that are also Facebook friends, it will download and update contact pictures in the app.

It’s a nice feature since I don’t have to go and check every single app for updates and such.  I can view it straight from the native clients of the phone, which is very nice.  This also works for MySpace, some Twitter apps, and the BlackBerry IM clients (Windows Live, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, and Google Talk).

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

Web browsing on the phone was about the same as the Bold 9000.  It’s certainly no iPhone browser, but it gets the job done quite nicely.  It can load pages as you would see them on a desktop, and allows you to zoom in and out of web pages.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

When navigating, the browser features a virtual mouse pointer that will let you move around a page with ease.

One nice navigation feature is the column view.  Basically this reformats the entire webpage to appear in a single column.  Usually when you do this, any heavy HTML formatting gets jumbled up, but it’s excellent when reading an article or a lot of text.

Other browser features include JavaScript support, support for Google Gears, the ability to identify itself as either Firefox or Internet Explorer, and quick rendering of pages.  Unfortunately, there is still no support for Flash, and no tabbed browsing.  Flash support has been announced, and currently RIM is working on an overhaul to the entire browser which will reportedly use WebKit for rendering and have tabs.

As a Multimedia device

The BlackBerry Bold 9700 comes with support for audio and video playback, and it packs a nice 3.2MP camera with autofocus and flash, as well as video capabilities.

The camera app is relatively simple, allowing you to activate or deactivate flash, set the white balance, and set picture size and quality.  The flash is automatic, and can detect when it’s dark or light.  When you take the picture, it will take a second to autofocus and then snap the picture.  One complaint that I (and the folks in my pictures) had was that the flash would turn on while autofocusing, which had it on for about 2 seconds.  Even if I turned off autofocus, it would still happen (though for less time).  An issue that needs to be fixed, RIM, for the sake of the sighted world.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test 
Overall, picture quality was very good.  There was some static in the images, but it was very hard to notice.  In darker situations (the cd and rocket picture), the flash came into play and illuminated the scene quite nicely.  In complete daylight (the country view picture), picture quality was amazing.  In scenes with a little of both (the record player), you can see the difference in quality between the two situations, with the darker side showing more static and the lighter side showing less.

A quick demo of the video camera.

While picture quality was good, the video camera quality was quite bad.  There was a lot of static in the picture, and it was also very dark.  Furthermore, the microphone wasn’t very loud, as you can see in the video above.

Viewing pictures was simple as well, as you could zoom in, slideshow, and set one as a wallpaper.  There was, however, a bit of a lag in loading the thumbnails.  This is probably a software thing and hopefully can be fixed soon.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

In addition to viewing your pictures, you can also listen to music on the phone.  The Bold 9700 supports all the major audio formats, including MP3, MP4, and M4A.  When you open the music app, it looks like the menu screen of an mp3 player, allowing you to view your music by artist, genre, album, or just view all the songs.  The now playing screen also looks like an mp3 player, showing the song info and the cover art, with controls at the bottom.  The player also has shortcuts on the keyboard for quick navigation, such as spacebar to play pause, (n) for next, and (p) for previous.  All of this in combination with that 3.5mm earphone jack on the side of the phone, and you have yourself a nice mp3 player here.  You can also use some Bluetooth headphones to listen.  Don’t have any earphones, and still want to listen without bothering anyone?  Just open the menu and choose “Activate Handset” and the music will be played through the earpiece of the phone, so you can listen to it as if you were on the phone.

I had mixed feelings about video playback on the 9700.  It supported the popular video formats, though there was no sense of organization, it was just all your videos, be they music videos, concerts, movies, or TV shows, they all went into one list.  Furthermore, skipping through videos was quite painful as well.  When I would try and jump to a certain part in the video, it would take a while to get to it, and when it did it played through very choppy with the audio out of sync.  It was a great shame, especially since the screen of the phone was perfect for watching videos.  The picture was sharp, and the colors were vibrant.  I watched Stevie Wonder’s A Wonder Summer’s Night concert on the phone (which was a very colorful concert), and it looked absolutely stunning.  It’s just sad that navigating the video was such a pain.


The Bold 9700 comes with support for AT&T 3G.  When tested in downtown Houston, TX, data came through quickly, and I was able to navigate the web, stream YouTube, and download music without any kind of lag.  I was also able to get full 3G in certain rural parts of Texas, though in most cases I was dropped to EDGE.

For the times when 3G was not available, the Bold 9700 came with support for WiFi 802.11 b/g.  Setting up and connecting was a simple process, and it also featured profiles, which allowed automatic connection to a known network when in range.  Very nice.

Bluetooth was also nicely implemented.  I was able to pair the phone with my Plantronics Discovery 975 earpiece quite easily, and sound was transferred clearly.  It also supported voice command, which was very accurate.  Pairing with my computer was also easy, and I was able to send files between the two, use my computer as an audio gateway for music playback, and tether.

The phone also supports GPS.  Using Google Maps, I was able to get a lock on my location within seconds, and updating was just as fast.  It was very accurate.

Apps and Customizability

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

The BlackBerry Bold 9700, like all other BlackBerries, allowed for theming of the phone.  While it seems nice, theming was actually a bit of a pain as it required me to reorganize my icons for each theme I use.  It couldn’t remember the icon arrangement and use it in a different theme.  I always had to reorganize it, which became quite the annoyance.  So I sort of just gave up on theming.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

A nice new feature of the Bold 9700 (well it’s actually an OS 5 feature) is the inclusion of a Today screen layout, which resembles that of a Windows Mobile device, showing you new messages, missed calls, and upcoming events.  It’s very nice, though I kind of prefer having my favorite apps up front instead.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

The BlackBerry Bold 9700 also has a ton of apps available  for it.  Unfortunately, this isn’t brought to attention upfront since the storefront, BlackBerry App World, is not installed by default.  This is kind of a bad choice, since I doubt most users are going to go Google for an app.  App World should come preinstalled.

When you open App World, you are greeted with the top apps, and 5 menu items at the bottom, allowing you to browse by category, browse top free and paid apps, search, and see what apps you’ve purchased and downloaded.  However, unlike Apple, RIM does not control what is and isn’t available for the phone.  This means that not every BlackBerry app out there is in the App World.

In addition to the native BlackBerry apps, you can also install any of the numerous Java Mobile apps out there.  You know, those small games and apps that you would run on that old featurephone of yours.  The BlackBerry OS is built on top of a Java system, so it allows for this.

PC Interaction

BlackBerry Bold 9700 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

The Bold 9700 comes with a CD containing BlackBerry Desktop Manager.  This is basically ActiveSync/Windows Mobile Device center for BlackBerry.  Basically, it can connect to the phone via USB or Bluetooth, and sync your phone with any supported PIM apps (Outlook, Windows Calendar, etc).  It also features app installation and backup capabilities, and is also capable of updating your device’s OS.

To sync your media, you can use the included BlackBerry Media Sync to sync your music and pictures to the phone.  It can sync pictures from folders you specify, and it will synchronize music from either iTunes or Windows Media Player.  I am personally waiting for support for the Zune software, so until then, copying and pasting my music will have to do.


The Bold 9700 is definitely a worthy addition to the BlackBerry line, and certainly does a good job of successing the Bold 9000.  The improved speed and memory was very helpful, and the overall usage was simple.  Call quality was excellent, though speakerphone quality could have been better.

I also wished RIM hadn’t opted to remove the 1GB of storage space that came on the first Bold.  It really was very useful.  Furthermore, I also believe that App World should have come preinstalled, especially if RIM is trying to “blur the line between work and play.”  The last thing that rubbed me the wrong way was the lousy handling of email, including HTML support and the whole IMAP thing.

Well, no phone is perfect.  They all have their ups and downs, and this one had more ups than downs, so I score it with 4 out of 5 stars.

BlackBerry Bold 9700 Price

BlackBerry Bold 9700. Low PRICE for a NICE cellphone! in the Cell Phones PDAs , Cell Phones Smartphones category on eBay. Click Here [Via eBay]

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BlackBerry Curve 8520 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test

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BlackBerry Curve 8520 : Specs | Price | Reviews | Test The RIM BlackBerry Curve 8520 is a sleek entry-level smartphone that delivers some nice design enhancements and great performance. BlackBerry Curve 8520 - Mobile Phone Review - The entry-level. users rather than those who would traditionally buy a smartphone. BlackBerry 8520 review, guides and best buys. Find the best deal for the. I have to have a smartphone because I can't live without Internet and all the.

The BlackBerry Curve 8520 is the first BlackBerry smartphone to feature. RIM's BlackBerry Curve 8520 is the cheapest QWERTY handset in the company's range, with a price tag £199 with an Orange pay-and-go SIM card, and is ideal for business users on a budget. It looks similar to existing BlackBerry Models – including the BlackBerry Curve 8900 – but, unlike most of its siblings, it doesn't feature a rollerball for navigation. You'll find a small optical pad below the display instead.

It works like a mini touchpad and is simple and accurate to use. With no moving parts, it's also likely to prove more robust for long-term use. Unfortunately, build quality on the rest of the handset leaves much to be desired – the main difference from more expensive models being the omission of a metal backplate.

In its place, you'll find a glossy plastic cover, which is flimsy and feels quite cheap. On the plus side, its compact form factor means this handset slips easily into even the smallest pockets. Matt, soft-touch plastics around the side are also pleasing – as are the media buttons on the top of the handset.

A set of unmarked buttons offer control for volume settings and the camera, along with a button to activate voice control. They're integrated into the side of the device and made out of the same material, which is a sensible choice, as it leaves no chance of dirt getting under the buttons.

The main navigation, call and end keys sit flush with the screen, with a glossy finish that's a magnet for fingerprints and scratches. The QWERTY keypad that sits below it offers excellent usability. It's not the largest keyboard we've seen, but it's easy to adjust to and the keys are responsive and firmly attached.

The 2.6-inch screen is every bit as good as most other BlackBerrys, with vivid and bright colours. The 320 x 240-pixel resolution isn't the sharpest, but images remain crisp and easy on the eye. The BlackBerry OS is still as intuitive as ever, with large, clearly labelled icons on the menu.

A set of shortcut icons sit on the home screen, with full accessibility to other functions offered by pressing the button to the left of the optical pad. This handset excels when it comes to email use, with push email support delivering your mail instantly. Setting up your account is a simple matter of typing in your email address and password.


The BlackBerry Curve 8520 is the first BlackBerry smartphone to feature an optical, touch-sensitive trackpad instead of a trackball for navigation -- and I like it. Too often, I found the trackballs to be too loose to help you scroll through lists and menus easily. The trackpad, however, was perfectly responsive to my touch. It also clicked satisfyingly when pressed, unlike the trackballs, which I found often rolled when I was actually trying to press them.

Size-wise, the Curve 8520 is smaller and rounder than the BlackBerry Tour; it's similar in size (though just a tiny bit thicker) to the ultra-slim BlackBerry Curve 8900. The keyboard is also a bit more cramped than the roomy one found on the Bold, but it's excellent, nonetheless.

The Curve 8520 is available in black or frost, and unlike the Curve 8900, it lacks the chrome accents around the edge of the phone. Instead, you get a rubberized grip that I found quite comfortable. The phone's buttons, including the volume controls and a camera key, are integrated into the rubber edge, and are easy to find and use.

The Curve's screen measures 2.4 inches diagonally, which feels a bit small compared to some of the displays on today's best phones, which often measure 3 inches or larger. And its resolution is only 320 by 240, which is not as sharp as the high-resolution displays found on other BlackBerry phones, like the Tour and Bold.

Highly responsive

We found the handset responded quickly to our inputs, with a 512MHz processor moving things along nicely and with little lag. The 256MB of RAM offers minimal storage space, although a microSD slot is in place for adding further memory, with cards of up to 16GB supported.

Connectivity is reasonable for an entrylevel phone – there's no 3G/HSDPA, but you will find Wi-Fi built in. Unfortunately, GPS has been left out to keep costs down, so you won't be able to use the BlackBerry as a satellite navigation device.

Overall, the Curve 8520 is a nice little handset. It's a shame that some of the materials used aren't of a higher standard, but it offers good usability and a cheap entry point into RIM's impressive BlackBerry range.


Main Features

Dedicated Media Keys
Control music and multimedia with dedicated media keys found atop the new BlackBerry Curve 8520 smartphone. Skip over songs, pause music to talk, or repeat your favorites over and over.. You can even mute phone calls with the easy-access mute button.

Trackpad Navigatrion
Access whats important with trackpad navigation. Like a laptop, the trackpad lets you scroll through menus, icons and info by gliding your finger over it. Press and click to select an item and navigate to where you want to go.

Slim, Simplified Design
The BlackBerry Curve 8520 smartphone neatly fits in your hand. A full QWERTY keyboard makes typing and sending messages easy,and comfortable. The bright screen displays over 65,000 colors, providing a great viewing experience.

Easy Media Sharing
Discover a world of possibilities and apps for the BlackBerry Curve 8520 smartphone at BlackBerry App World. Get breaking news,and the latest scores. Track the markets, stay on top of Hollywood gossip, enjoy live radio or just play games.

Apple Computer Suport
With the upcoming release of BlackBerry Desktop Software for Mac you will be able to sync contacts, calendars, and notes with applications you use most. Use BlackBerry Desktop Software to enjoy a Mac experience on your BlackBerry smartphone.

Technical Specifications:

Available Features

2.0MP Digital Camera
Video Camera Capabilities
256MB Flash Memory
Wi-Fi enabled
Bluetooth enabled
Multimedia Player
Wireless Email

Size and Weight

Height: 4.29 inches (109 mm)
Width:    2.36 inches (60 mm)
Depth:    0.54 inches (13.9 mm)
Weight:    3.73 ounces (106 grams)

Battery & Battery Life

Battery: 1150 mAHr removable/rechargeable cryptographic Lithium cell
Talk Time: 4.5 hours
Standby Time: 17 days

Media Player

Video format support: MPEG4, H.263, H.264, WMV3
Audio format support: AAC-LC, AAC+, eAAC+, AMR-NB, WMA9 (.wma/.asf), WMA9 PRO/WMA 10, AAC-LC
Picture Format Support: bmp, jpg, png, tif, wbmp


Clear, high-resolution display
Transmisive TFT MCD
320x240 pixel screen
Displays over 65,000 colors
2.46inch (diagonally measured)

Ringtones & Notifications

Tone, vibrate, on-screen or LED indicator
User configurable notification options
32 Polyphonic Ringtones - MIDI, MP3


Bluetooth v2.0 + EDR
Headset (HSP), 3.5mm Headset Capable
Handsfree (HSF)
Serial Port Profile
SIM Access Profile
Dial Up Networking (DUN)
Stereo Profile (A2DP)
A/V Remote Control Target (AVRCP)


802.11 b/g
WPA / WPA2 Personal and Enterprise
Cisco CCX certified
Wi-Fi access to BlackBerry Enterprise Server
Wi-Fi access to BlackBerry Internet Bundle
Support for UMA (carrier-dependent)

Camera & Video Recording

2.0 MP camera
5X digital zoom
Video Camera Recording:
Normal Mode (320x240 pixel),MMS Mode (176x144 pixel)

Data Input & Navigation

35 key backlit QWERTY keyboard
Dedicated Keys: Send, End, VAD/PTT (User customizable), Camera (User customizable), 2 x volume
Media Keys: Play/Pause/Mute, Back, Forward
Trackpad - Located on the front face of device, ESC key to the right, Menu to the left.
Intuitive icons and menus
Wireless Networks
Quad-Band: 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900MHz GSM/GPRS networks
Quad-Band: 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900MHz EDGE networks


Updated OS

The Curve 8250 sports the BlackBerry OS by default. The device is consistent throughout its hardware and software design, supporting its intentions to appeal to a younger market segment. This is most apparent by the red and white asterisks that litter the notifications section to inform the user about new messages or notifications. This is, of course, a nod to the iPhone which uses the same color scheme to indicate new notifications. These indications clutter up the home screen, especially the top status bar.

The OS also has by Facebook and MySpace built into it by default, and offers a slew of IM clients (AIM, GoogleTalk, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, and of course BlackBerry Messenger). Finally BlackBerry Maps is also loaded by default into the device.

Other than the cosmetic updates of the notifications, little else about the OS seems to depart from other BlackBerrys. In certain applications the phone seemed to hang a bit longer than I was comfortable with, which was surprising given the 512 MHz processor, which seems like it would be plenty.

Naturally, it comes with the basic suite of BlackBerry software, with such apps as a web browser, address book, calendar, and Push e-mail. Like recent RIM models, it also has audio and video software and an Office suite -- DataViz Documents To Go.


One feature T-Mobile offers that I've always been a big fan of is UMA, which T-Mobile calls HotSpot@Home. This provides native VoIP service where Wi-Fi is available.
The biggest benefit of UMA is, of course, that if you are in an area that does not have good T-Mobile coverage (you can definitely find some of those around), you can jump on Wi-Fi and instantly have crystal clear conversations.

When I first tried this feature with the BlackBerry Pearl Flip, I had some problems switching between UMA and EDGE (when for example I walked out of Wi-Fi range). The switch has been more seamless with this device. A few times I noticed that call would start in UMA and end in EDGE without dropping.


The BlackBerry Curve 8520 has several elements that position it to a younger market segment -- the rubber outlay around the phone, the updated call and end keys, and the music keys are all evidence of this. Though notable, these are not the stand-out features of the phone.

The optical trackpad is a big step forward for BlackBerrys. It is easier to use, and more importantly makes the device seem more sturdy and sleek than other models with the trackball. Even with its shortcomings in areas like the screen and lack of camera flash, the trackpad makes up for a lot of otherwise lost ground. If you're looking to upgrade to a T-Mobile BlackBerry, normally I'd say the BlackBerry Curve 8900, but with the advent of the trackpad on the 8520 I'd have to think twice.
New optical trackpad
Redesigned side keys, top music keys
Light, small form factor, uses same battery as previous generation Curves
No 3G support
Screen not as advanced as it could be
Keyboard hasn't been improved from original Curve, is actually a step back from Curve 8900
Plastic back cover is susceptible to marks

BlackBerry Curve 8520

Latest BlackBerry Curve 8520 price. Click Here [Via eBay]

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