Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Demo iPhone passwords hack

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Top Best Beautiful and Stylish Mobile PhonesiPhone passwords hack is real things. A German research firm has demonstrated how passwords stored on an iPhone can be retrieved in less than six minutes without needing to know the passcode. Researchers from German engineering and research firm Fraunhofer tested the hack on an iPhone 4 and iPad 3G running iOS 4.2.1 and found that it was possible to access a range of passwords stored on the device, including: MobileMe, Google Mail as a Microsoft Exchange account, Microsoft Exchange email accounts, VPN logins and Wi-Fi network credentials.

The researchers said that the hack was relatively easy to perform and used freely available tools. However, they did have to jailbreak the device and install an SSH server in order to access the phone and copy the keychain access script that allows access to the stored information.

"After using a jailbreaking tool, to get access to a command shell, we run a small script to access and decrypt the passwords found in the keychain. The decryption is done with help of functions provided by the operating system itself," the researchers wrote in the paper. "An attacker would not need to know the user's passcode nor does he need to exploit new vulnerabilities to reveal these secrets."

Other sensitive information such as credentials saved by the Safari web browser were not revealed in the tests.

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The iPad 2: How Will Apple Stay Ahead of the Pack?

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iPad Now that we have a firm date for the announcement of the iPad 2, it’s hard not to set one’s mind to wondering what changes Apple will unveil to this new, massive pillar of their business. New Comers, The iPad 2: How Will Apple Stay Ahead of the Pack? While on some level, Apple could simply coast on this one: by simply throwing in a faster, dual-core chip and dusting off their hands, Apple will have likely learned their lesson from how quickly Google became a legitimate competitor in smartphones.

With Android having exploded, it’s unlikely that Apple will be willing to let all those upcoming Honeycomb Android tablets get close to the iPad. Once burned twice shy, as they say.

The iPad 2: How Will Apple Stay Ahead of the Pack?

So what  might we reasonably expect Apple to do to maintain their lead? And what do we want to see?

In Design, A Big iPod Touch

The iPad 2: How Will Apple Stay Ahead of the Pack?

We know Apple’s strength has always been design. But though the original iPad is a beautifully designed piece of hardware, it’s likely that in order to cement their design lead, Apple will move to an iPod Touch style design.

By that, I mean the back of the device will taper to the edge, and the back will be covered in something more ‘luxurious’ that the brushed aluminum look it has now.

More to the point, it will be the thinnest tablet out there – mainly so Tim Cook (who we assume will run the keynote) can say “this is the thinnest tablet out there”. And a glossy, silver back will starkly distinguish the iPad 2 from the Xoom, Playbook et al.

It’s a shame, as I quite like the slab design of the current iPad, but competition often means simply needing to differentiate a product.

Keeping Costs Down Means No Retina

The iPad 2: How Will Apple Stay Ahead of the Pack?

Those clamoring for a ‘retina display’ on the iPad – i.e. a doubled resolution of 2048 × 1536 – are, to put it nicely, a bit nuts.

Not only would it require an incredibly expensive screen, you would also need a very fast CPU-GPU combo (probably quad-core) to drive the 3D effects of iOS at that resolution, which would itself cause battery-life headaches.

On top of that, after asking app developers to adjust the resolution of their apps for the iPhone 4, Apple will now ask them to do it all over again for the iPad apps they just wrote? I don’t think so. If you’re dead set on a ~10″ retina display, wait for an iPad 3.

But in order to stay ahead, look for an improved display in terms of brightness and viewing angles.

Cameras, *yawn*, Facetime, Dual-Core, More RAM etc.

There is some stuff on the way that could only be surprising if it’s not included. Those things are cameras on the back and front and a dual-core A5 Apple ARM-based processor – probably running at 1.2GHz. Yawn.

Since the iPad only has 256MB of RAM, this will obviously get an upgrade too, though whether it’s to 512MB or 1GB is likely a matter of cost. I’d expect the latter, since iOS quite strict in how it handles multi-tasking. 1GB might be overkill.

The only surprise might be the lack of a rear camera. It’s unlikely, because we’ve seen cases with holes for a camera. But I’d like to think that Apple might be saner than some other tablet manufacturers: who wants to hold up a 10″ tablet to take pictures? No-one, that’s who.

All of this will be added simply to keep pace with upcoming Android tablets and the Playbook.

Possible Surprises? Price? No Home Button? Holographic Projection?

Holoographic projection? Yeah, I was just messin’. I don’t even know what that is.

But no home button? A possibility. After all, we’ve already seen gestures that make the home button somewhat obsolete. (Though that does limit multi-finger gestures to the OS rather than apps.) It would also line up with Steve Jobs notorious hatred for buttons, and would make a lot of sense given that the iPad is used as much in landscape mode as it is portrait.

What about the price? Well, it may be optimistic to think it will be cheaper, but look at Apple’s projected figures of 40 million units for 2011. In 2010, they sold 15 million units. Is it possible that, due to Apple’s control of the supply chain – in things like their huge $8 billion deal with Samsung – that they could drop the base unit down to $399? What else might account for more than doubling sales projections for a product with an average selling price of around $700? Yes, the product is insanely popular; but is it so popular that 40 million people around the world will drop the cost of a new laptop?

Let’s say there’s a 50/50 chance Apple will cut prices by a $100 across the line.

What Do You Want in an iPad 2?

Overall, the iPad’s market lead won’t be about hardware as much as it will be about iOS. It will be about how Apple’s ecosystem is positioned as the most appealing. So expect a modest, if overhyped upgrade to the original.

But what about you ahlidesain readers? 4G? A USB or Lightpeak port? NFC? SD expansion slot? What do you want to see in the next iPad? Hit the comments and let us know.

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Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

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imageHere is a cool collection of Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever, practical yet interesting designs of USB Pen Drives. Some of these designs are already available in stores and some of them are on their way. This is more like when beauty meets the brains or do we call it when practicality meets new age design? Call it whatever you want, but you now have a lot of choice for sure.

USB Drives comes in thousands of designs and colors, but these over 30 were displayed here are extraordinary creative and unique. Or what do you think? Go ahead, check them out. They are unique and creative! Promise. Just check it out!

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever

Most Unique and Creative Pen Drives Ever


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Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

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USB FlashdriveThis small little gadget comes in various sizes – 256Mb up to 16Gb. Handy for file transfers, but that doesn’t meant they cannot be fancy. Compiled from sites all over the net, meet the Cutest and Extraordinary USB FlashDrive. More than 30 USB flash drive displayed here, you might have seen some, but maybe not all. Further information, just click tittle above pictures. Enjoy!

Humping Dog [Video]

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive


Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Sushi Set

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive


Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive


Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Bunny Flash Drive

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Sake Bottle

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Tako Yaki

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Altoid with Flash Drive

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Inflat-able Flash Drive

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Mikan Seiji aka Mandarin Alien

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive


syringe 50+ Weirdest USB Flash Drives Ever

Puppet Bags for Flash Drives

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Big Tiki

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Dim Sum Set

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

USB Mince Pie

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Freshly Baked Flash Drives

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

iDisk Diamond

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

iDisk Vogue

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

iDisk Charm

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Holly Bible Flash Drive

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

"Thumb" Drive

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive


Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive


Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Necklace Drive

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Doggy Driver

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Firefly Squid

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Channel Island

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Fat Bear

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive


Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Nike Air Max 360

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

Bowling Ball

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

ThinkGeek USB Robot

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

USB Swiss Memory

Cutest and Extraordinary USB Flashdrive

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