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Monday, February 28, 2011

Top 10 Best Business iPhone Games Must Have

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Top 10 Best Business iPhone Games Must HaveBest iPhone Games for Business. See video games that has great graphics and great gameplay bundled up for the iPhone. Games iPhone Apps- Top Games iPhone Apps Reviewed, 2011. Top Ten Best iPod Touch / iPhone Games interactive top ten list at The Top Tens. Vote, add to, or comment on the Top Ten Best iPod Touch / iPhone Games Playing iPhone games are good way to spend boring time, here we list top 10 iPhone games of 2011  you must have. Top 10 Best Business iPhone Games for 2011.

There aren’t too many business strategy games out there for the iPhone, so it’s nice that games developer launched a new business sim game called A Business Tycoon. A Business Tycoon features classic open-ended gameplay: you start off with $10,000,000 starting funds, which you then use to buy commodities in different regions of the world and then resell them for a profit (the same goes for company shares).

1. Idle Hands

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

This nifty little app is perfect if you’re a mobile businessman who relies heavily on your iPhone. The annoying virtual keyboard will become your trusted friend after a few games of Idle Hands, which tests your typing and makes you noticeably quicker in just a week or so. It makes emailing a breeze, and will save valuable time in the long run.

2. iGolf

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

Nothing gets you more ‘in’ with a company CEO than a jolly game of golf, and with this Wii Sports-style app you can practice your swing and get ready to impress for the real thing. Choose from a range of courses around the world and the iPhone will use it’s accelerometer to detect how good your shots are. Just make sure you don’t let go. Another good game that mimics the real thing is Tiger Woods PGA Tour.

3. Trivia Burst

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

This award-winning quiz game will make sure you’re never stuck for something to say around the water cooler. With over 18,000 trivia questions, which is by far the most in any iPhone game currently available, this little app is an education at your fingertips. You can even add your own questions to the mix, and the more you play the more points you earn to spend online.

Read the full review by Rob get app from itunes

4. Easy Relax Ultimate

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

OK, so a little less on the game side, and more of a straightforward app, but this little gem is a must for unwinding after a tough day at the office, or for helping you concentrate on a complex report. Experts say keeping a clear mind is essential for optimum productivity, so 5 to 10 minutes using this app could actually be time well spent. Binaural beats help you concentrate, relax or fall asleep by inducing the brain to perceive different brainwave states. Play around and see what happens with this hypnotic app.

Read the full review by Robget app from itunes

5. SimCity Deluxe

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

Read the full review by Samget app from itunes

A complex strategy game where your actions (or inaction) affect the whole of your made-up iPhone world. At $2.99, you get a lot for your money. Build industry and commerce, project manage your metropolis, transform starter locations into prosperous cities… It’s all here. And why is it good for business, you ask? Well, this is life simulation: you can set your Sims’ career-orientated goals, plan out their lives and watch as you build an empire. It’s perfect for anyone who’s in human resources or management, as each Sim needs attention. Neglect them and your city could die. The perfect trial run for your own ambitions.

With a new year 2011, we're bringing back our monthly best game listings. Our ratings for games we Best iPhone Games for 2011 Here you can find top 5 best iPhone games for 2011, these games are the best iPhone games for game lovers, so enjoy best iPhone The 20 Best Free iPhone Games. by Ryan Rigney February, 2011. Just bought yourself a shiny new Verizon iPhone and want some games.

6. Lemonade Stand

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

Cheap and cheerful – this easy-to-use business game is exactly what it sounds like: you run a lemonade stand. Originally designed for the Mac over 20 years ago, it’s a simple game that taught children back then the basics of economics. Wannabe business tycoons have to deal with variables like bad weather, traffic jams and lemon price inflation; just like the real life struggles of running a successful business.

Read the full review by Robget app from itunes

7. Civilization Revolution

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

Similar to the SimCity franchise, Civilization Revolution lends itself to the iPhone very well. However, rather than building cities, this one is more about building world-spanning empires. As your power grows you’ll learn to handle all the stresses that come with it – including industrial action and health issues. The game feels very natural, and although it’s 74mb and a whopping $12.99, it’s well worth the download. Learn to be the next Donald Trump and build an empire on your phone. Bad decisions will come back to punish you and you’ll soon learn that being good in business doesn’t come easy.

Read the full review by Robget app from itunes

8. Brain Challenge

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

This is a mind sharpening game, which is designed to get your brain up and fighting fit for the day. There’s a whole host of brain tests to take, from improving memory skills to honing your reflexes. The makers claim it’s like having a morning coffee – and will kickstart your day. Perfect if you’re feeling sluggish, tired and uninspired for the coming hours at the office.

Read the full review by Robget app from itunes

9. Hotel Dash

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

Learn to build a successful business with Hotel Dash. The drama and chaos of running your own virtual hotel is addictive, and it takes true business acumen and ambition to make it thrive. Soon you’ll be renovating and rescuing hotels all over DinerTown, and through good customer relations achieving 5-star service. The vivid Retina Display artwork makes Hotel Dash an added pleasure to play.

Read the full review by Robget app from itunes

10. A Business Tycoon

Top 10 Best Educational iPhone Games Must Have

Buy low, sell high… that’s the basic premise of this game – and actually the basic premise of most successful business models, meaning valuable lessons can be learned from this app. You fill the shoes of the next big business tycoon – think Donald Trump, or the UK’s Alan Sugar – and as well as loads of hot business deals, there are also loads of hot luxuries to buy with your well earned cash. This sophisticated app teaches you about stocks and shares, selling assets, taking loans, lending money and how to read charts and complex data. All invaluable skills if you want to become better at business.

We've taken the thousands of awesome iPhone games released in 2011 and narrowed them it's hard to imagine what 2011 will hold for iPhone gaming. Post Tags: best games of 2011, best iPhone games,We've sifted through the thousands of games  and have settled on these 36 titles to enthusiastically recommend Best iPhone Games 2011.

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Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Series Differences Today

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Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences TodayWindows Phone 7 is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft, and is the successor to its Windows Mobile platform. It is aimed at the consumer market Check out for Windows Phone 7 coverage, including up-to-the-minute news about the latest tablet announcements, in-depth reviews, blog posts, and videos at Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today.

One question we hear often is: What’s next for Windows Phone? We’re obsessive about listening closely to our customers and improving our phone software. So over the next few months, look for updates that add some new features you’ve asked for and also tune up your phone’s performance. We've got a serious hands on for you to check out, but here is everything that you need to know.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

The name—Windows Phone 7 Series—is a mouthful, and unfortunately, the epitome of Microsoft's worst naming instincts, belying the simple fact that it's the most groundbreaking phone since the iPhone. It's the phone Microsoft should've made three years ago. In the same way that the Windows 7 desktop OS was nearly everything people hoped it would be, Windows Phone 7 is almost everything anyone could've dreamed of in a phone, let alone a Microsoft phone. It changes everything. Why? Now that Microsoft has filled in its gaping chasm of suck with a meaningful phone effort, the three most significant companies in desktop computing—Apple, Google and Microsoft—now stand to occupy the same positions in mobile. Phones are officially computers that happen to fit in your pocket.

Windows Phone 7 is also something completely new for Microsoft: A total break from the past. Windows Mobile isn't just dead, the body's been dumped, buried and paved over by a rainbow brick road.

The Interface

It's different. The face of Windows Phone 7 is not a rectangular grid of thumbnail-sized glossy-looking icons, arranged in a pattern of 4x4 or so, like basically every other phone. No, instead, an oversized set of bright, superflat squares fill the screen. The pop of the primary colors and exaggerated flatness produces a kind of cutting-edge crispness that feels both incredibly modern and playful. Text is big, and beautiful. The result is a feat no phone has performed before: Making the iPhone's interface feel staid.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences TodayIf you want to know what it feels like, the Zune HD provides a taste: Interface elements that run off the screen; beautiful, oversized text and graphics; flipping, panning, scrolling, zooming from screen to screen; broken hearts. Some people might think it's gratuitous, but I think it feels natural and just…fun. There's an incredible sense of joie de vivre that's just not in any other phone. It makes you wish that this was aesthetic direction all of Microsoft was going in. Another, sorta similar interface, in terms of data presentation, is this Android Slidescreen app, which gives you a bunch of info up top.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

Windows Phone 7 is connected in the same sense as Palm's webOS and Android, with live, real-time data seamlessly integrated, though it's even smoother and more natural. Live tiles on the Start screen, which you can totally customize, are updated dynamically with fresh content, like weather, or if you've pinned a person to your Start screen, their latest status updates and photos.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

The meat of the phone is organized around a set of hubs: People, Pictures, Games, Music + Video, Marketplace, and Office. They're kind of like uber-applications, in a sense. Massive panoramas with multiple screens that are each kind of like individual apps. People, for instance, isn't just your contacts, but it's also where social networking happens, with a real-time stream of updates pulled in from like Facebook and Windows Live. (No Twitter support announced yet, it appears—a kind of serious deficiency, but one we're sure will be remedied by ship date.)

As another example, Music + Video is essentially the entirety of Zune HD's software, tucked inside of Windows Phone 7. A piece of interface that's shockingly not there: A desktop syncing app. If anyone would be expected to tie their phone to a desktop, you'd think it'd be Microsoft, but they're actually moving forward here. All of your contacts and info sync over the air. The only thing you'll be syncing through your computer is music and videos, which is mercifully done via the Zune desktop client.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

Hello, Connected World

The People hub might be the best social networking implementation yet on a phone: It's a single place to see all of your friends' status updates from multiple services in a single stream, and to update your own Facebook and Windows Live status. Needs. Twitter support. Badly. But you have neat things going on, like the aforementioned Live tiles—if you really like someone or want to stalk them hardcore, you can make them a tile on your Start screen, which will update in realtime with whatever they're posting, and pull down their photos from whatever service. There's also your very own profile page, where you can scan your current social state and post updates to multiple services simultaneously.

All of your contacts are synced and backed up over-the-air, Android and webOS style, and can be pulled from multiple sources, like Windows Live, Exchange, etc. Makes certain other phones seem a little antiquated with their out-of-the-box Contacts situation.

Faster apps and games

“Nobody likes to wait. That’s why we’ve whittled down the time it takes for apps and games to start up and resume. It’s all part of our focus on getting you to the things you love, easier and faster.”

Better Marketplace search

“We’ve streamlined Marketplace search to make it easier to find specific apps, games, or music. Press the Search button in the apps or games section of Marketplace and you’ll see only apps or games in the results.”

Holy Crap! The Zune Phone!

Microsoft's vision of Zune is finally clear with Windows Phone 7. It's an app, just like iPod is on the iPhone, though the Zune Marketplace is integrated with it into the music + video hub, not separated into its own little application. It's just like the Zune HD, so you can check out our review of that to see what it's like. But you get third-party stuff like Pandora, too, built-in here. Oh, and worth mentioning, there will be an FM radio in every phone (more on that in a bit).

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

Pictures is a little different though, and gets its very own hub. That's because it's intensely connected—you can share photos and video with social networks straight from the hub, and via the cloud, they're kept in sync with your PC and web galleries. The latest photos your friends post also show up here. Of course, you get around with multitouch zoom and zip-zip scrolling stuff.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

Xbox, on a Phone

I'll admit, I very nearly needed to change my pants when I saw the Xbox tile on the phone for the first time. Obviously, you're not going to be playing Halo 3 on your smartphone (at least not this year), but yes, Xbox Live on a phone! It's tied to your Live profile, and there are achievements and gamer points for the games you can play on your phone, which will be tied to games back on your Xbox 360.

If Microsoft's got an ace-in-hole with Windows Phone 7, it's Xbox Live. Gamers have talked about a portable Xbox for years—this is the most logical way to do it. The N-Gage was ahead of its time. (Okay, and it sucked.) The DS and PSP are the past. The iPhone showed us that the future of mobile gaming was going to be on your phone, and now that just got a lot more interesting. The potential's there, and hopefully the games will be plentiful and awesome enough to meet it.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

Browser and Email

Yes, the browser is Internet Explorer. And yes, the rumor's true: It won't be as fast as Mobile Safari. Not to start. But it's not bad! Hey, least it's got multitouch powers right out of the box. Naturally, you've got multiple browser windows, and you can pin web pages to the Start screen, like any other decent mobile browser.

The Outlook email app makes me question how people read email on a BlackBerry. It is stunning. I never thought I'd call a mail app "stunning," but, well, it kind of is. It's the best looking mobile mail app around. Text is huge. Gorgeous. Ultrareadable. Of course, it's got Exchange support too.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

Apps, Office and Marketplace

Remember what I said earlier about Windows Mobile being dead? So are all the apps. They won't work on WP7. Sorry Windows Mobile developers, it's for the best. Deep down, we all knew a clean break was the only way Windows Phone wasn't going to suck total balls.

Apps will have some standardized interface elements, like the app bar on the bottom for common commands. But here's a question: Will they multitask? Um, that depends on your definition of multitasking! When we asked Joe Belfiore, the guy running Windows Phone, he alluded to live tiles and feeds as some ofthe ways that third-parties will be able to "bring value to the user, even when their apps aren't running." Which sounds to us like a big ol' "shnope," but we'll see more next month at Microsoft's developer event MIX.

The Marketplace is where you'll buy apps. Since we've got like 6 months 'til Windows Phone 7 launches and people should be excited to develop for it, hopefully there'll be plenty of stuff to buy there on day one.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

Naturally, Bing and Bing Maps are built into the phone as the default search and maps services. They're nice, smartly contextual, and very location-oriented. Bing's also used for universal search on the phone, via a dedicated Bing button. (There is no search but Bing search, BTW.) Bing Maps is multitouchable, with pinch-to-zoom. It's rich, with built-in listings with reviews and clever ways of searching for stuff. And yeah, Office! It's connected to that cloud thing, for OTA syncing and such. Business people should be happy.

Hardware and Partner

Another way the old Windows Mobile is dead is how Microsoft's handling partners and hardware situation. With Windows Mobile, a phonemaker handed Microsoft their monies, and Microsoft tossed them a software kit, and that was that. Which is why a lot of Windows Mobile phones felt and ran like crap. And why it took HTC like two years to produce the HD2, the most genuinely usable rendition of Windows Mobile ever.

Microsoft's not building their own phones, but they're going to be picky, to say the least, with Windows Phone 7. Ballmer phrases it as "taking more accountability" for people's experiences. There's a strict set of minimum hardware requirements: a capacitive, multitouchable screen with at least four points of touch; accelerometer; 5-megapixel camera; FM radio; and the like. There are serious benchmarks that have to be met. And only chosen OEMs get to build the phones now, not like before, when anybody with $20 could get a license. The OEMs that Microsoft's announcing they're working with at launch are: Qualcomm, LG, Samsung, Garmin Asus, HTC, HP, Dell, Sony Ericsson, and Toshiba. AT&T's their "premiere partner" in the US (dammit). (Take note people! Premiere does not mean exclusive!)

Every phone will have a Bing (search) button and a Start button. Custom skins, like the minor miracles HTC worked, are now banned. The message to hardware makers is clear: It's a Windows Phone, you're just putting it together. Basically, phonemakers get to decide the shape of the phone, and whether or not there's a keyboard.

One other word on hardware, in a manner of speaking. Hardware it won't work with? Macs. Which is kind of stupid to us—a lot of the people Microsoft wants to use Windows Phone 7, like college students, have been going Mac in droves. You wanna lure them back Microsoft? Let them use your phone with any OS.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

The Big Picture

Windows Phone 7 Series is, from what we've seen, exactly what Microsoft's phone should be. It's actually good. It brings together a bunch of different Microsoft services—Zune, Xbox, Bing—in a way that actually makes sense and just works. But there's a real, lingering question: Are they too late? The first Windows Phone 7 Series…phone—goddamn that is a stupid name—won't hit until the end of this year. That's more than three years after the iPhone, two years after Android, hell, even a year after Palm, the industry's sickly but persistent dwarf.

Most Wanted Windows Phone 7 Differences Today

History is on Microsoft's side here—we know what happened the last time Apple had a massive head start. (Update: To be clear, in computing.) Microsoft is, if nothing else, incredibly patient. Remember the first Xbox? Back when it was crazy that Microsoft was getting into videogames? It's cost them about a billion dollars and taken nearly 10 years, but now, with Xbox Live, Project Natal and their massive software ecosystem, they arguably have the most impressive gaming console you can buy. That was a pet project. Now, mobile is the future of computing. What do you think Microsoft will sink into that?

The mobile picture is now officially a three-way dance: Apple, Google, and Microsoft. The same people who dominate desktop computing. Everybody else is screwed. Former Palm CEO Ed Colligan famously said a few years ago: "PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in." That's precisely what's just happened. Phones are the new PCs. PC guys are the new phone guys.

This action is pretty logical: Microsoft employees want Windows Phone 7 to succeed than the average outside developer, and so allowing employees to gain financially through their app development efforts is a big incentive to come up with interesting app ideas Windows Mobile for the next generation dubbed Windows Phone 7 Series upon its launch at MWC.

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Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

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Blackberry Tips and Trick Must HaveTop Best BlackBerry Tips All of Time Tips Blackberry Blog about Tips Blackberry Top Best BlackBerry Applications All of Time Tips and Trick Latest Blackberry. transferred their smartphone affections to the iPhone, there are many of us still rocking the BlackBerry. I don't claim to be a BlackBerry expert, but I have come across a few tips and tricks that will make any user's life easier and more entertaining.


1. Use the keyboard less

BlackBerry has always had a QWERTY keyboard and you can type everything out in full - but you can save time with the built-in shortcuts. Press space twice at the end of a sentence to get the full stop and an automatic capital on the next word.

Don't bother with apostrophes in words like I'm and isn't (type im and the BlackBerry will correct it for you); there are other handy abbreviations like 'wel' to get 'we'll' and 'il' to get 'I'll' and you can add your own with Options > AutoText.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

AUTOTEXT: Speed up typing by creating your own abbreviations and corrections

2. Quick capitals

You don't need Shift - press and hold a letter key to type the upper case letter.

3. Skip Symbol

If you're typing an email address into a field that expects an email address, don't bother looking for how to type the @; just hit space and BlackBerry with put the @ in for you. Press space when you need the . in the middle of the email address and it will fill that in, too. Do the same for URLs in the browser; pressing space fills in the periods faster than typing them by hand.

4. Fast select

There's a Select command on the menu for choosing what to copy and paste - but you can make a selection just by holding down the Shift key as you scroll the trackball.

5. Keyboard shortcuts

Save on scrolling by using 't' to get to the top of any email message, web page or other long screen and 'b' to get to the bottom. There are specific shortcuts for all the built-in apps like using the Mute button to pause videos or music or skipping to the next or previous track by pressing and holding the volume up and down keys (which also zoom in and out in the camera - although many apps use I and O to zoom); there's a list in the Help tool.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

SAVE TIME: Put the keyboard to work with shortcuts in every built-in app

6. Choose dialling or shortcuts

Under Options > Phone Options > General Options you can set Dial From Home Screen to Yes or No; if you set it to Yes you can start typing a name to dial the number on the home screen, if you set it to No you can type the first letter of apps on the home screen to open them (M for Mail, B for browser, C to compose email - and oddly N for Messenger, L for Calendar and U for Calculator).

7. Web columns

Press Z in the web browser to reflow the page into a column the size of the BlackBerry screen so it's easier to read; press Z again to go back to a normal page view you can scroll around.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

EASY READING: Switch between seeing the original layout and a version of the page reformatted as one long BlackBerry-sized column

8. Turn on JavaScript

To save memory and make pages load faster, the BlackBerry browser usually has JavaScript turned off by default; use Options > Browser Configuration > Support JavaScript to turn it back on and make more pages load correctly.

9. Which browser?

There are three different browsers on the BlackBerry; a WAP browser for viewing content from your mobile network, the BlackBerry HTML browser (and a hotspot browser that prioritises the Wi-Fi connection). If you have problems accessing or loading Web pages, choose Options > Browser Configuration and set Browser to BlackBerry Browser and make sure Options > General Properties > Default Browser is also set to BlackBerry Browser.

10. Don't get mobile Web sites

You can also try changing Browser Identification from BlackBerry to Firefox or IE to force the full versions of specific pages to load instead of the cut-down mobile versions - but they might be slow or not load fully.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

BROWSER SWAP: The BBC web site always loads the mobile version on BlackBerry; if you want to see the full site, have your BlackBerry pretend to run Firefox or IE

11. Fast search

You can search for contacts, messages and inside files and web pages - press S to search in contacts and messages and F to search in other apps.

12. Color-code messages

If you get both work and personal email on your BlackBerry, you can change the color of either set of messages. Choose Options > Security Options >Information> Message Outline Colors and either Enterprise Messages or Other Messages.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

COLOUR-CODED: Show work and personal messages in different colors

13. Menu multi-tasking

BlackBerry has had multitasking for years but it's subtly done; apps stay running so you can switch back to them (unless you run out of memory when they're closed automatically). To get back to another app, press and hold the Menu button to get the task switcher.

14. Lock with mute

Some BlackBerrys have both a lock and a mute button on the top edge, others - like the original Bold - only have a mute button. You can always lock the screen by scrolling down to the Lock icon but it's faster to just press and hold mute until the screen locks (do the same to unlock it).

Here Are The Top 10 Basic Blackberry Tips And Tricks In No Particular Order Top BlackBerry Problems Solutions Top 10 Basic Blackberry Tips And Tricks from. BlackBerrys have a lot of settings hidden in the OS. Here are some of the most popular BlackBerry Tips for any user. There are some tips you won't need often - like pressing Alt, Del and the right-hand Caps key at the same time to reboot instead of just restarting; others you'll use all the time, like pressing the red 'hang up' key to get back to the home screen and clicking the spanner icon on the home screen to open Options.

15. Real convenience

There are two 'convenience keys' - one on each side of the BlackBerry; you've probably found one of them by knocking it and hearing that irritating 'say a command' message. If you never use voice command, choose Options > Screen/Keyboard to change the buttons to something more useful - starting the camera, opening the music player or launching your favourite app.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

QUICK START: Put two apps or commands you use all the time at your fingertips

16. Tweak your trackball

Use Options > Screen/Keyboard and scroll to the bottom of the page to choose the horizontal and vertical sensitivity (how far it moves across the screen when you move it) and whether you hear a click as it rolls.

17. Turn off speakerphone

The slightly confusing way to put a call on speakerphone is to use Menu > Activate Speakerphone; the even more confusing way to turn it off is Menu > Activate Handset - or you can use the $ key to turn it on and off. (And the $ key produces the $ sign in email, use Options > Screen/Keyboard > Currency key to set it to £ instead).

18. Say a command

Voice command does more than voice dialling; if you want to check your signal and battery strength you can wade through the Options menu or you can hit the voice command button and say 'status' or 'check battery' and 'check signal strength'.

19. Say it again

Voice recognition works quite well, but you can train it by reading a list of numbers and words; choose Options > Voice Dialing> Adapt Voice.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

VOICE TRAINING: Choose Adapt Voice and your BlackBerry will ask you to read a list of sample names and numbers

20. Hidden Help

The hidden 'Help Me!' screen shows the signal strength, battery level, device PIN, free space, space in use, IMEI, OS version, how long the BlackBerry has been on and some other info that can be useful for troubleshooting. View it by pressing Alt + Caps + H.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

MORE INFO: The Help Me! Screen collects key information together

21. Archive, don't uninstall

Only the very latest BlackBerry models have anything like enough memory for all the apps you want. When you run out of space, pick the ones you use least and archive them to your microSD card (this only works with apps from App World). Select the app in the My World sections of App World and choose Menu > Archive; archived apps have a green arrow on their icons and you can click them to reinstall - but you may have to restart to archive or restore an app.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

ARCHIVE APPS: You can't run apps from the SD card but you can archive them to save space

22. Save power overnight

BlackBerry is very frugal on battery life and you can make it last even longer by having yours turn itself off overnight and back on in the morning. Choose Options > Auto On/Off; you can have different on and off times for weekdays and weekends.

23. Master Control Program

Use the free third-party tool MCP ( for tweaking your BlackBerry, doing a factory reset in an emergency - or just installing updates more easily than with the sprawling and inefficient BlackBerry Desktop software.

Blackberry Tips and Trick Must Have

TWEAK BLACKBERRY: Install a new OS or tweak the modules on your BlackBerry with the excellent Master Control Program

24. Install any app

If you want to run an app that doesn't have an installer - including alternative email clients like Astrasync and NotifySync which RIM won't sign for installation - connect your BlackBerry by USB, switch to mass storage mode so it shows up on your PC as a drive and copy the JAR file to the root folder. On your BlackBerry use the Media app to open the folder and select the JAR file to install it.

25. Save money on texts

If you're sending a message to another BlackBerry user, BlackBerry Messenger is free -but you need to know their BlackBerry PIN.The easiest way to get someone in your contact list is to invite them.

Get BlackBerry Tips, Tricks and Key-Press Shortcuts Learn Read the Top 10 Phone Tips from BlackBerry: This list includes simple tips. BlackBerry Troubleshooting Tips & Tricks from RIM What follows is RIM's recent list of BlackBerry troubleshooting tips. Read our top tips for BlackBerry Bold 9700 if you just got the latest Its the best thing to do closest to what we're used to doing with.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Most Wanted Smartphone 2011 By Platform

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Most Wanted Smartphone 2011 By PlatformWith so many choices of mobile phones, each with similar and yet intriguingly different “operating systems” on offer, which are the key phones, to look out for, on each platform? Here is my take on what’s a good bet for Apple, webOS, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7, Android, and Symbian operating systems based on what is around at the moment. The most important thing about your next phone isn't what carrier it's on, how big the screen is, or even who makes it. So here are Most Wanted Smartphone 2011 on every platform.


Most Wanted Smartphone 2011 on Every Platform

There isn’t a lot of choice when it comes to Apple operating systems so the iPhone 4 is the obvious current bet. The iPhone 4 features one of the highest resolution screens currently available on a smartphone, at 960×640, and it manages to fit it into a 3.5” display. The on-board camera can record HD video at 720P with it’s 5 megapixel camera. There are a couple of internal storage items (16GB and 32GB).

However, you might want to hold off until there is news of the iPhone 5. There has been a whisper that news is due in March 2011 (but don’t hold me to it!), Source: Sky News:  iPhone 5 To Be Revealed 2 March. However, from that article the image associated with that particular announcement looks more like an iPad announcement.

What others say: Engadget: iPhone 4 review, “We’re not going to beat around the bush — in our approximation, the iPhone 4 is the best smartphone on the market right now”.


Most Wanted Smartphone 2011 on Every Platform

Recently picked up by HP the Palm is another one with not a lot of choice which is a shame as it has a great operating system. The current Palm Pre features a 3.1” screen with a resolution of just 320×480. The camera is a 3 megapixel and storage is 8GB. However, the Pre does have a slide out mini keyboard in its favour.

So, the Palm Pre is the one to watch – but you might consider holding off until the recently announced Palm Pre 3, featuring an all new version of webOS, is launched.

What I said: Initial thoughts on the Palm Pre, “The Pre is functional yet lacks that real WOW factor, my theory is that is probably because the App Catalog is so bereft of diverse applications – perhaps the firmware upgrade to 1.2 will open a new world for the Pre?”.

What others say: IT Pro: Palm Pre Review, “It’s slicker than using Symbian, arguably more pocketable than its top rivals the HTC Hero and iPhone and a valuable and valid alternative to the ever-expanding sea of Android phones we seem to be pelted with on a weekly basis these days”.


Most Wanted Smartphone 2011 on Every Platform

The BlackBerry Torch 9800 boasts the latest revision of RIM’s operating system.  The Torch 9800 features a 3.2” screen (3.18” diagonally) with 480×360 pixels, similar to the Palm Pre. Talking of similarities to the Pre the Torch also boasts a slide-out mini keyboard. The onboard camera is 5 megapixel and storage is made up of 4GB inboard storage and a 4GB media card.

With the latest developments in the operating system the traditionally enterprise-centric BlackBerry range are starting to shine and could be one to watch.

What I said: A Look At The BlackBerry Torch 9800, “Overall the BlackBerry Torch 9800 is an attractive phone that is packed full of features. A little streamlining may be required on the user interface but all in all its a big step in the right direction.”.

What others say: CNET: BlackBerry Torch 9800 review, “There’s not much that the BlackBerry Torch 9800 can’t do, but it doesn’t make it easy. Pricey, chunky, and packed with features, this is a smart phone whose function beats form — and fun.”.

Windows Phone 7

Most Wanted Smartphone 2011 on Every Platform

There are a number of handsets on offer running the all new Windows Phone 7 (and with the recent partnership with Nokia there are likely to be even more).

NOTE! The Phone 7 operating system is in the early part of its lifecycle so be ready for a few teething problems.

However, at the moment the HTC HD7 is well worth a look. Sporting a 4.3” screen with a resolution of 480 x 800 and a 5 megapixel camera on board the HTC HD7 can record 720P HD Video. This is backed up with a 1 GHz processor and 16GB  of internal storage.

What others say: Tech Radar: HTC HD7 review, “We like the HTC HD7 as a phone – it builds nicely on the HD2 without being a complete revamp.The Windows Phone 7 experience is ace on it, and simply just works, which is all we’re really looking for at this early stage.”.


Most Wanted Smartphone 2011 on Every Platform

Whilst other manufacturers like to fiddle with the operating system, adding layers of “functionality” here and there, the Google Nexus S keeps to the essential nature of the Android operating system and features a nifty Super AMOLED screen.

Other features of the Google Nexus S include a 4” screen with a resolution of 480×800. There are two cameras available, a front-facing VGA camera and a 5 megapixel camera. The processor is 1GHz and storage is 16GB.

What others say: Pocket-Lint: Google Nexus S review, “Some say that Android is still too raw as a consumer operating system, but we have to disagree. Android in its naked form is slick, fast and powerful; it is refreshing to come back to the basic underlying OS and get away from all the additional layers that manufacturers plaster on top.”.


Most Wanted Smartphone 2011 on Every Platform

Symbian, unfortunately, is starting to feel the pressure against more modern mobile operating systems however the Nokia N8 is a great phone with some excellent video recording and it features the latest Symbian ^3 for Nokia.

The Nokia N8 features the most impressive camera in this list offering a 12 megapixel (and it has a secondary VGA camera for video calls) whilst the 3.5” screen has a 16:9 nHD resolution of 640×360 AMOLED pixels. Standard storage is 16GB.

What others say: What Mobile: Nokia N8 Review, “HD video, a 12-megapixel camera, a great display, good battery life, loads of connectivity options and a great design. As long as you can accept minimal apps and games, the N8 is great.

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How To Have All The Latest Gadgets Without Going Broke

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How To Have All The Latest Gadgets Without Going BrokeGadgets have become the part and parcel of our life. Hardly any of us can imagine our life with different gadgets. The gadgets help to promote the quality of our life and thus the budget plan for buying gadget should be done under the purchase ability of an individual. So, here some tips How To Have All The Latest Gadgets Without Going Broke.

How To Have All The Latest Gadgets Without Going Broke

Before we begin, a word of caution: Go down this road and you will lose money. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. That said, if you're smart about timing, anal about upkeep, and diligent with your documentation, it's possible to attain bleeding-edge bliss without leaving a trail of financial havoc in your wake. The truly adept upgrader can even come close to breaking even. Here are some guidelines to follow in your new never-ending quest to remain current.

Learn Your Life Cycles and Laws
Moore's Law, Bell's Law, Kryder's Law—someone's always pronouncing them dead or obsolete, but many of these guiding tech principles are the main reason you're continually playing catch-up. The relevant ones also exert tremendous influence over when, how, and why your gear evolves. If you plan on leveling up at regular intervals, you'd do well to familiarize yourself with all of them. Having even a basic understanding of these informal laws can give you a sense of why the laptop you bought two years ago seems old and busted now.

Beyond that, they also shape various tech industry roadmaps. Companies like AMD, Intel and others are all fairly transparent about their update cycles. But figuring out how those plans carry over to actual gadget updates can take some work. For those devoted to Apple products, tools like MacTracker will help you divine specific product release date patterns and pricing history. Unfortunately, PC users don't have anything as useful.

Still, you can also start tracking company announcements and specific release dates yourself by going back and reading gadget sites and company press releases. Once you have a year or two's worth of data, spreadsheet those numbers to look for patterns. Macrumors has already done most of the heavy lifting for Apple upgraders. But you can also set up your own calendar alerts if you're feeling ambitious. It may seem like overkill, but staying one step ahead of new product announcements is paramount to earning top dollar for used gear.

How To Have All The Latest Gadgets Without Going Broke

Also, keep in mind that the end of November through the beginning of January (that'd be right now…) is the absolute worst time to sell your gear. With Black Friday/Cyber Monday/X-Mas/CES in the mix, we're right in the middle of new product announcement season. This is also accompanied by heavy discounts from retailers looking to clear inventory. Wait at least until mid-January before you even think of putting your gear on the market.

Save Everything
Resist the urge to toss out receipts, boxes, warranty cards, and other seemingly useless pieces of paper and cardboard. Nothing is more reassuring to a new owner than receiving a gadget that's neatly packaged with all its original materials. Also keeping all your materials will assure potential buyers that you're not a crook. You not only buy yourself a ton of pricing leverage when you save everything, but things like a receipt will also facilitate the transferal of warranty and registration info. If you have unused space in a closet or garage, start constructing your box tower now. Grab a Rubbermaid bin or two for storing everything else. If space is at a minimum, gadget boxes also made into makeshift bedside tables, desks or bookshelves.

How To Have All The Latest Gadgets Without Going Broke

Brands Matter
A lot. Just as some cars retain their value better than others, so do some gadgets. If you're going to swap your gear every year, it's best to focus the stuff that'll fetch the highest price in the second-hand market. To get a sense of which brands retain their value, keep an eye on completed eBay auctions. eBay Pulse gives you access to the top 10 most popular searches, popular stores, popular products, as well as the highest priced and most watched items on eBay. It doesn't hurt to do a specific searches for the item(s) you're selling on Craigslist, either. Like it or not, Apple products tend to retain their value much better than other brands. Other big brands like Sony and HP are also proven performers.

…But So Do Categories
Just like brands, certain product categories are always easier to traffic. Don't wast your time on items like printers, external hard drives, HDTVs, or any other gadget that is either already relatively cheap (new) or exceedingly awkward to transport. Laptops, desktops and smartphones, on the other hand, are usually in demand and easy to unload on the unsuspecting masses.

The Configuration Dilemma
If you're reading this, chances are you'll be itching to spring for the tippy-top-of-the-line gear. That can be a mistake. Always think of your target market when buying a new product. It may be the case that your potential customers won't share your affection for the latest Core i7 processor or your propensity for massive memory reserves. Here, it helps to pay close attention to company earnings calls to figure out what the most popular items are in a given quarter. Then use that info to make an informed choice. While it's possible that certain high-end or flagship models will be in great demand, people shopping the second-hand market are usually looking for bargains. Just keep in mind that a re-seller's sweet spot isn't always the priciest item.

Care for Your Precious
It goes without saying, but a scuffed, dinged or otherwise flawed gadget will command a dramatically reduced price. When you purchase your new gear, invest in cases, covers, furry linings and whatever other prophylactics you think will be useful. You don't need anything fancy or stylish, just enough to keep your gear safe. And hey, when it comes time to sell, you can always offer these protective cases and charge a little extra.

Remaining current means you'll be dumping your gadgets back into the market after a year—often less. You should also seriously consider extended warranties. Don't worry, you can usually recoup the price of these plans when you sell you gear. Note: This is especially important if you're selling stuff online, where a buyer won't be able to test drive or physically inspect the item. Their peace of mind = money in your pocket.

Preserve Your Batteries

Cosmetic appearance is important. But proper internal maintenance should be high on your priority list too. Since most our mobile gear is powered by fickle lithium Ion batteries, you'll want to do everything you can to keep them healthy and happy. If laptops are your thing, software like Coconut Battery (for Macs) will help you stay on top of load cycles and internal temperature. Most companies also offer strategies and tips for keeping your batteries healthy. Follow them.

Get to know Trade-in/Recycling Sites
They should be last resorts if you truly want to maximize the amount of money you can get for your gear, but combing through sites like Gazelle and YouRenew will give you a good idea of just how fickle the gadget resale market can be. Want to know how quickly your fancy smartphone depreciates once the new version is announced? Take a look at the payout rate for the 3GS.

Timing Is Everything
Once you've figured out what you can sell, the next question you need to ask is when. Here's the answer: Right before the announcement of the next-gen version. Days make a huge difference here; selling at the right time can mean as much as 10- to 20-percent more cheddar in your pocket. It doesn't hurt to read gadget blogs to stay on top of all the latest news. We recommend, but there are apparently others. Just remember, falling behind on news is not an option. Something as innocuous as a rumor can send other like-minded upgraders scurrying to the Web and flooding the resale market.

The Art of Pricing
This is definitely more art than science. But do it right, and you can walk away with close to what you originally paid. In rare instances, even more. Ever notice all those ridiculous Craigslist ads asking for triple the retail price? Don't do that. But depending on the item, it can be smart to start high—particularly if you are selling a hard-to-get or high-end item. Even in the second hand market, people still equate a higher price tag with higher quality item. It can pay to make that gamble. If the timing, product, and condition is right, you can frequently get away charging retail (minus tax). Bam, you just rented a gadget for 8-percent of its retail price. In the end, there is a subtle dance to arriving at a fair and attractive price without short selling yourself. With practice, you will learn it.

Hone Your Salesman Skills

Your gear is in pristine shape, everything is in order, and it's time to write your ad. If you're funny, be funny. If not, just be straightforward and comprehensive. "Here's this Used Thing, Gimme Money" will not do the trick. When you get responses or enquiries, try not to appear overeager or desperate. But don't be vague or elusive, either. Spend a little extra time and effort to list your gadget's meaningful specs and take some nice (flattering) pictures. Answer questions in a timely manner. It's also a good idea to use one or two representative shots and then link to a Flickr gallery with better, higher-rez pics. People like to see effort.

Act Locally
Sure, PayPal's convenient, and eBay and Amazon gets you tons of eyeballs. But if you really care about squeezing every last penny out of your used gadgets, nothing beats a good ol' fashion face-to-face transaction. And that's why Craigslist should be an upgrader's first stop. Yes, spam and scams tend to abound here, but there are also tons of decent, respectable people simply looking for good deals. The added benefit of selling locally is that the person can actually see what they're getting, minimizing the risk that you'll get caught up in some endless online dispute. Oh, and there's also no transaction or shipping fees. Just remember to always insist on cash.

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